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For Your Protection

From 2600 magazine volume 7, number 1 SPRING To Subscribe: 2600, PO BOX 752, Middle Island, NY 11953-0752 $18 individual, $45 corporate yearly subscription rates FOR YOUR …

Hackers Penetrate DOD Computer Systems

United States General Accounting Office ___________________________________ GAO Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Government Information and Regulation, Committee on …

List of Computer Hackers News Articles

The following is a list of articles that I have found concerning the computer underground in various magazines and news-papers. The list is in chronological order. If you know …

Acronyms 02

It’s amazing that my first Acronym’s text file went over so well! So, here’s the second and much larger companion to it…Acro 2. Yeah, I know 2 days is …

Acronyms 01

A lot of you are probably feeling the same I way am right at the moment I am writing this file. I just got done applying for a nice board and I simply went blank while filling …

CIRR Database

A tool for corporate research For more info, contact: Kerry Dressler through EnviroNet mail CIRR actually stands for the Company and Industrial Research Reports Datebase. Not …

Tapping Computer Data Is Easy

(Note: The original document was all typed in caps lock, so we transformed it to “Title” letters so it could be easier to read) –FEATURE ARTICLES AND …

Free CompuServe Passwords

There are several ways you can go about getting cis passwords. The ones with unlimited access are quite a bit harder but, first of all, the simplest to get Radio Shack demo …

Hacking Calling Cards

Pyromania Publishing Article #0006 ————————————— Title| Hacking Calling Cards By | THE PYROMANIAC …

Fun with Automatic Tellers

Preface: This is not a particularly easy scam to pull off, as it requires either advanced hacking techniques (TRW or banks) or serious balls (trashing a private residence or …

AT&T has declared malicious WAR

ATTENTION: All who enjoy the 60% discount on night and weekend calls with AT&T…abandon all hope. AT&T has declared malicious WAR on all consumers by reducing …

Interview with Lance Spitzner, Security Expert

Lance is a former officer in the Army’s Rapid Deployment Force, and the author of numerous Whitepapers on computer security. In his own words: “I’m a geek …

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Cybersecurity news