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The six headed spam monster

Several days ago I visited an on-line forum of one of the Internet Presence Providers (IPP) in my country and found a topic dealing with spam. One user of the IPP in this …

Issues: Hiring hackers, the fine line between cult and criminal

Obviously there are a lot of technically talented individuals running around in the hacking scene nowadays. There always have, it’s the root of its existence. This has …

Issues: The security of electronic banking, legacy of the c0w

Last week, 03-09-00 to be exact, a Dutch television show exposed the Dutch banking organisation ABN AMRO’s HomeNet program as being insecure. Computer science students …

Hype around malicious code for handhelds

The new virus war zone: Your PDA”, “Take care of the Palm virus”, “Virus attacks portable devices” etc – these are titles of some of the …

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