Expert analysis
A guide to System V Init
So here we go again. After you have exorcised all of the daemons that were haunting your system, you might be interested in all of the boring processes that occur when booting …
Suid programs, getting to the root of the problem
There are always some little touches left to make your linux even a bit more secure, involving suid, nouser, sudo and etc. Now, this article is newbie friendly, but it also …
CGI Vulnerabilities
Everybody and their mom uses cgi-bin’s in some way or another on their web pages, or on their web server, aware or not of that fact. Today’s not so hot topic is …
The First Step of Exploring a System
The first step to exploring a system is not just another point and click. It is the part that suprisingly, no one really talks about; gathering information on the subject. In …
Is YOUR Network Secure?
Scenario As the Senior Executive of a major business, you know one thing that has to be accomplished now; your company needs to get on the Internet. You do not know why, but …
An informal analysis of vendor acknowledgement of vulnerabilities
Many disclosure debates focus on researchers who discover vulnerabilities. Little attention is given to the impact on busy security analysts who must determine which …
Paranoia Vs. Transparency And Their Effects On Internet Security
Reactions to non-intrusive probes and network activity that is merely unexpected are becoming increasingly hostile; a result from increasing amounts of incidents and security …
Full Disclosure of Vulnerabilities – pros/cons and fake arguments
Should the complete details of security vulnerabilities be made public or not? Not only do we need to understand the true pros and cons, but we also need to understand the …
Structural versus Operational Intrusion Detection
Introduction As the field of intrusion detection systems (IDS) has evolved, the focus of custom, open, and commercial solutions has been on structural, rather than …
lkm: Kernel hacking made easy
The following applies to the Linux i86 2.0.x kernel series. It may also be accurate for previous releases, but has not been tested. 2.1.x kernels introduced a bunch of …
Console IOCTLs Under Linux
Console IOCTLs can be very useful and powerful. These are the IOCTls that involve the console. They are the user interface to manipulation of the console. I am going to go …
Which hat are you?
It was inevitable that the hacking scene be split into new sub categories with new terminology to represent the mentality of the world’s brightest hackers. A decade ago …