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Antivirus and EFS in Windows Server 2003

The need to transmit secret or sensitive information has been around for a long time, and cryptography, in one shape or form, has been around for almost as long. The Spartans …

Gearing Up For July 1, 2003 – Senate Bill 1386 – How Does It Affect You?

On July 1, 2003, Senate bill 1386 becomes Civil Code 1798.82. In a nutshell, the law states that any person or company doing business in the state of California is responsible …

Interview with Ivan Arce, CTO of Core Security Technologies

Ivan Arce, Chief Technology Officer of Core Security Technologies, sets the technical direction for the company and is responsible for overseeing the development, testing and …

Apache 2.0.46 Released – Security and Bugfix Release

The Apache Software Foundation and the Apache HTTP Server Project are pleased to announce the ninth public release of the Apache 2.0 HTTP Server. This Announcement notes the …

RSA Security 2003 IT Security Survey Presented

The Emmes Group, a San Francisco-based strategy consulting and market research firm, conducted an in-depth market research survey at the RSA 2003 Conference in San Francisco. …

Key Iterations and Cryptographic Salts

The following document discusses the use of key iterations and cryptographic salts to stop dictionary attacks in password based encryption (symmetric cryptography). One of the …

Palyh Worm Problems Could Easily Have Been Avoided

One frequently ignored aspect of corporate antivirus protection is the built-in file filtering facilities that such protection normally includes, and which represents a …

Interview with Dave Wreski, Founder and CEO of Guardian Digital

Dave Wreski is the founder and CEO of Guardian Digital, which he formed in May 1999 to solve the mounting security issues related to enterprises world-wide. With his vast …

BASEL II: Everyone is in the Risk Business Now

Managing risk used to be straightforward process, but all that is about to change for the world’s central banks and their IT departments. Basel II, the accord which …

Infosecurity Europe a Highly Successful Event

Neil Stinchcombe, public relations contact for this year’s Infosecurity Europe, dropped us an e-mail with some of the statistics on this highly successful event. …

Interview with Mark Komarinski, author of “PTG Interactive’s Training Course for Red Hat Linux: A Digital Seminar on CD-ROM 2/e”

Who is Mark Komarinski? Introduce yourself to our readers. A nice open-ended question. Professionally, I’m a Senior Linux System Administrator for Harvard Medical …

Handbook for Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs)

The document is aimed at aiding the planning, creation and development of CSIRTs: teams trained specifically to deal with IT security incidents. One of the principal tasks of …

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