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Entrust Releases New Secure Web Portal Solution

Entrust released its latest Secure Web Portal Solution based on Entrust TruePass Version 7.0, the first Web security solution in the market today to deliver bi-directional, …

Basic: Vulnerability Assessment

This document serves as an introduction to the subject of security vulnerability assessments. It focuses primarily on vulnerability assessments performed from an …

Lack of Security at Wireless Conferences

During the 802.11 Planet Expo in Boston, wireless security company AirDefense monitored WLAN activity and published their findings in the July 2003 edition of WLAN Watch …

Novell eDirectory has Additional Linux Support and Enhanced Security

Novell announced Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS and SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 support in Novell eDirectory, the most widely deployed directory service on the market. Along …

LDAP Injection: Are Your Web Applications Vulnerable?

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a widely used protocol for accessing information directories. LDAP injection is the technique of exploiting web applications …

Stolen PDAs Provide Open Door To Corporate Networks

The PDA Usage Survey 2003 commissioned by Pointsec Mobile Technologies and conducted by Infosecurity Europe and Computer Weekly has found that PDA owners commonly download the …

“Expert vs. Expertise” – Computer Forensics and the Alternative OS

No longer a dark and mysterious process, computer forensics have been significantly on the scene for more than five years now. Despite this, they have only recently gained the …

Interview with Michael Jang, author of “Mastering Red Hat Linux 9”

Michael Jang, RHCE, Linux+, LCP, specializes in books on Linux and Linux certification. His experience with computers goes back to the days of jumbled punch cards. He’s …

Apache 1.3.28 has Been Released

The Apache Group released version 1.3.28 of the Apache HTTP Server. This version of Apache is principally a security and bug fix release. Of particular note is that 1.3.28 …

Black Hat Briefings 2003 Keynote Speakers Announced

Black Hat Inc. announced the keynote speakers for this summer’s Black Hat Briefings and Training 2003, the annual conference and workshop designed to help computer …

An Overview of Issues in Testing Intrusion Detection Systems

While intrusion detection systems are becoming ubiquitous defenses in today’s networks, currently we have no comprehensive and scientifically rigorous methodology to …

Interview with Rafeeq Ur Rehman, author of “Intrusion Detection with SNORT”

Who is Rafeeq Ur Rehman? Introduce yourself to our readers. I am working as Managing Consultant at Dedicated Technologies Inc. where we provide services related to enterprise …

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