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Life in the Fast Lane: Security for Cable Modem, DSL, and Other Remote User Internet Connections

Threats To Remote User Network Connections An exciting array of modern broadband technologies, including cable modem, Digital Subscriber Line (DSL), VSAT satellite, and …

Simplifying Data Protection Decisions

No one doubts that computers have made businesses more fast-paced, efficient and flexible. The clerks of Dickens’ day, laboriously entering facts and figures into …

Interview with Jason Reid, author of “Secure Shell in the Enterprise”

Jason Reid is a Member of Technical Staff with Sun Microsystems. There he tests software and writes for the Sun BluePrints program. His start in security began as a Unix …

Blind SQL Injection: Are You Vulnerable?

SQL Injection can deliver total control of your server to an attacker giving them the ability to read, write and manipulate all data stored in your backend systems. Despite …

Exploiting the MSRPC Heap Overflow – Part I

This little documentary chronicles the last moments of another beautiful moth, stuck somewhere between the two live electrical cords of security and freedom. In particular, …

Freeing the Shackles with Secure Remote Working

We all hanker for the opportunity to work less hours and avoid wasting time traveling to and from work. If you counted up the average commute of two hours a day you could claw …

Know Your Enemy: Sebek2 – A kernel based data capture tool

To observe intruders using session encryption, researchers needed to find a way to break the session encryption. For many organizations this has proven extremely difficult. In …

Creating Trustworthy Archives

The efficient and secure storage of business records is fundamental to the insurance industry. Since its conception, organisations and individuals providing insurance services …

Defeating the Stack Based Buffer Overflow Prevention Mechanism of Microsoft Windows 2003 Server

This paper presents several methods of bypassing the protection mechanism built into Microsoft’s Windows 2003 Server that attempts to prevent the exploitation of stack …

Spam Prevention Tips for Small Businesses

Excedent Technologies, company dealing with email hosting, anti-virus and Spam filtering solutions, published recommended tips for small businesses and business owners on how …

Exposing Your Life – the Top Facts on PDA Usage

If one in three houses in your street were left with their front doors open at night would you think their owners were asking for trouble? One in three PDA users keep their …

New Automated 802.11 Wireless Security Software From Code Red Systems

A limited free download of the AirBlock 802.11 wireless security software for residential and small business networks has been made available by Code Red Systems, a provider …

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