Expert analysis
How Much Should You Invest in IT Security?
One of the main concerns of the organizers of the Olympic Games to be held in Athens this summer is security, but not only physical security, computer security as well. The …
Early Alerting – The Key To Proactive Security
The security challenges facing today’s enterprise networks are intensifying — both in frequency and number. The Blaster worm arrived just 26 days after Microsoft …
Key Considerations for Outsourcing Security
Introduction As last summer’s virus attacks vividly demonstrated, companies of every size are finding themselves hard pressed to maintain around-the-clock network …
Automated Penetration Testing with CORE IMPACT 4.0
Core Security Technologies today announced a major update to CORE IMPACT, their flagship penetration testing product. The major benefit of this solution is that it enables …
Security in an ERP World
Introduction Every good hacker story ends with the line: “and then he’s got root access to your network and can do whatever he wants.” But the story really …
Audio interview with Brian Cohen, SPI Dynamics CEO
In this ten minute audio interview, Brian Cohen, SPI Dynamics Chief Executive Officer introduces his company, discusses the current state and future of the web application …
Centralizing the Management of Network Security
Shortly after an automobile is purchased, laws dictate that insurance measures be taken to secure it. Driving a new car without automobile insurance or regular safety …
Introduction to Computer Forensics
For this learning session on Help Net Security, we’ve got Michael J. Staggs, Senior Security Engineer at Guidance Software, discussing the basics of computer forensics. …
Combating Internet Worms
In recent years, not only has the number of network and computer attacks been on the rise, but also the level of complexity and sophistication with which they strike. The most …
Combating The Cyber Criminals
Hi-Tech Crime, or perhaps we should refer to it as invisible crime, because of course it is unseen at the moment it is practised – at least to the naked eye. And the …
NVIDIA Firewall Certified by ICSA Labs
NVIDIA Corporation, company well known in the field of graphical processing solutions, announced that NVIDIA Firewall successfuly passed the thorough ICSA Labs certification …
DDoS Threats
For the second learning session on Help Net Security, we’ve got Steve Woo, Riverhead Networks Vice President of Marketing and Business Development, discussing the …