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Are You Prepared For Disaster? Is Your Data Really Protected?

Whether it be hurricane, flood, fire or simply a member of staff accidentally hitting the delete key, your company’s data is constantly at risk from being permanently …

Executive Conversation: The Future of Instant Messaging is Simple, Secure, and Self-Managed

For a moment let’s suppose I am the CEO of a multi-million dollar corporation and I send an Instant Message to my General Counsel. He sends me information that should …

A Holistic Approach to Securing the Enterprise

The continuance of malicious computer attacks has made security a front page topic in almost every board room and IT oversight committee. Most IT departments accept that …

SQL Injection Attacks

SQL injection is a technique for exploiting web applications that use client-supplied data in SQL queries without stripping potentially harmful characters first. Despite being …

Cookie Path Best Practice

Cookies provide a method for creating a stateful HTTP session and their recommended use is formally defined within RFC2965 and BCP44. Although they are used for many purposes, …

The Benefits of SSL VPNs

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Virtual Private Networks are quickly gaining popularity as serious contenders in the remote-access marketplace. Analysts predict that products based …

Secure Development Framework

This whitepaper deals with developing a secure framework, both for internal and outsourced development. Within this context, secure development is considered to be the process …

Application Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks

Denial of Services attacks aimed at disrupting network services range from simple bandwidth exhaustion attacks and those targeted at flaws in commercial software to complex …

Alternatives to Passwords

The third annual survey into office scruples conducted by Infosecurity Europe 2004 found that office workers are still not information security savvy. A survey of office …

Executive Conversation: Why Cloudmark Took the Path Less Traveled

Spam, spim, spoofs-¦will it ever end? Cloudmark believes that spam and all of its incarnations will indeed disappear through a combination of carefully harvested human …

Best Practices for Storage Security

IT professionals and their businesses have learned the hard way in recent years that disaster can strike at anytime and that they must be prepared. Companies unable to resume …

Secure Development: A Polarised Response

Thankfully these days’ assessing the security of an application prior to implementation is a normal process for most organisations. Organisations accept the view that …

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