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Secure Your Workplace When Going On Vacation

In the northern hemisphere, the long-awaited summer holidays are just around the corner for many workers. The longer days and warmer weather will see many people taking a …

Collaboration in a Secure Development Process, Part 1

You have to ask yourself: why is there so much bad code? How many times have you heard the statement to the effect of: “if only the developers had built these …

VPNs (Virtual Private Nightmares)

Here’s a question: What’s the number 1 vector for security outbreaks today? Given the title of the article we hope you answered Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). …

Five Tips on Protecting Your Business Against Spam

In this 4:29 minutes long audio learning session, Warren Sealey, SME Security Manager at Message Labs, discusses the ever growing spam problem, talks about the positive …

Web Security Threat Classification

For many organizations, web sites serve as mission critical systems that must operate smoothly to process millions of dollars in daily online transactions. However, the actual …

A Database Encryption Solution That Is Protecting Against External And Internal Threats, And Meeting Regulatory Requirements

Security is becoming one of the most urgent challenges in database research and industry, and there has also been increasing interest in the problem of building accurate data …

Best Practices For Securing Your WLAN

The steady growth of Wi-Fi in the enterprise demands that corporate IT teams learn and adopt new security methodologies tailored to the unique requirements and weaknesses of …

Encryption Applied

In this 8:13 minutes long audio learning session, Alex van Someren, Chief Executive Officer at nCipher, talks about the process of encryption, the difference between symmetric …

Biometric Myths: Six Of The Best

It is probably the hottest sector in the security field today. Yet the biometrics industry, which produces human-based identification systems, is weighed down with claims and …

Interview with Bruce Hendrix, President and CEO of ServGate

What do you see as the biggest online security threats today? What are your clients most worried about? The key threats to deal with today are the so-called ‘blended …

Digital Certificates Explained

In this 3:43 minutes long audio learning session, Dr. Phillip Hallam-Baker, Principle Scientist and Web Services Security Architect at Verisign, talks about Public Key …

Are You Prepared For Disaster? Is Your Data Really Protected?

Whether it be hurricane, flood, fire or simply a member of staff accidentally hitting the delete key, your company’s data is constantly at risk from being permanently …

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