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So Many Worms, So Little Time

Introduction Let’s face it; the Internet is a dangerous place, and it’s not getting any better. Statistics show a rapid increase in the rate of Internet-based …

Baselining with Security Templates

The solution to creating and implementing security baselines on computers in your network is to “just do it.” Security baselines establish the foundation for the …

How To Combat Spyware

The increasing -often commercial- interest in obtaining data that can identify and profile users is the root of the growing concern among the Internet community regarding …

The Certification of SSL VPNs

During the Infosecurity Europe 2004, we caught up with Brian Monkman, Technology Programs Manager at ICSA Labs, and talked to him about SSL VPNs. In this audio session, Mr. …

Video Interview with Chris Potter, PricewaterhouseCoopers Information Security Assurance Partner

In this video Mr. Potter talks about what can be done in order to minimize the recovery time from an incident, discusses the threat posed by increased mobile computing, the …

Who Goes to Jail?

The CIO has been living with the apparently unstoppable demand for more storage for quite a while, really since the Internet/ World Wide Web introduced a whole new concept of …

To Catch A Virus

Alfred Hitchcock, that great magician of the big screen, often said that to maintain suspense, the audience needed to know more about the situation than the characters in the …

Video Interview with Gerhard Eschelbeck, CTO of Qualys

In this video Mr. Eschelbeck discusses computer security at the enterprise level, inside and outside threats, computer security trends in the USA and Europe, and more.

Defending The Network

The World Wide Web is lauded for its ability to deliver instant communications and connectivity. However, the web’s speed and convenience brings with it the threat of …

E-mail Security

In this 6:49 minutes long audio learning session, Joseph Zacharias, Managing Director at Kerio Technologies UK, discusses the major aspects of e-mail security, including viral …

OpenVPN 101: introduction to OpenVPN

This document will introduce OpenVPN as a free, secure and easy to use and configure SSLbased VPN solution. The document will present some simple (and verified) …

A Practical Implementation of a Real-time Intrusion Prevention System for Commercial Enterprise Databases

Modern intrusion detection systems are comprised of three basically different approaches, host based, network based, and a third relatively recent addition called procedural …

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