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Providing Database Encryption as a Scalable Enterprise Infrastructure Service – Protecting Against External and Internal Threats

As databases become networked in more complex multi-tiered applications, their vulnerability to external attack grows. We address scalability as a particularly vital problem …

The Threat Within – Why Businesses Need To Manage And Monitor Employee Email Usage

In a few short years, email has become a major part of the national psyche and a business-critical tool of communication. However, while companies have been more than willing …

Infosecurity 2005 – Innovative Method Fuels Business Opportunities

Two weeks ago, Reed Exhibitions held the annual Infosecurity Europe press conference. During the event, hosted in the classy London Millenium Knightsbrdige Hotel, selected …

Combating The Hidden Dangers Of Adware

The Web, not email, poses the biggest security threat to systems To most companies, the perception is that the biggest threat to their users’ security continues to come …

A Simple Guide to Securing USB Memory Sticks

Understanding the Risks Associated with USB Memory Sticks Since their introduction the USB memory stick has been hailed by those fed up with the shortcomings of the floppy. …

Home User Security Guide

I know many of you have received some nice to tech toys for Christmas recently, so its time to talk about making them secure and keeping them that way. I know many of you have …

The Role Of Email Security In Meeting Regulatory Requirements

Corporate governance and regulation were one of the dominant themes of 2004 and look set to continue to be so throughout 2005. Corporate governance relates to how an …

Spyware: An Update

How big of a problem is spyware? It’s big enough that the U.S. House of Representatives voted unanimously to stiffen jail sentences for those who use secret surveillance …

Common Criteria – Salvation For Email Security

With the increasing threat of far more sophisticated attacks than just spam and viruses, email security is taking a leap forward. But in implementing new solutions, …

Interview with Ken Cutler, Vice President, Information Security, MIS Training Institute

What do you see as the biggest online security threats today? Today’s biggest online threats come from malicious software (e.g., viruses, worms, and ad-bots), phishing …

Password Management with PasswordSafe

Everyone is aware that selecting passwords wisely and safeguarding them should be an important priority, yet most people need to remember so many passwords that it’s …

Video interview with Howard Schmidt, CSO of eBay

In this video Mr. Schmidt talks about the state of computer security in general and offers his insight on what we can expect in 2005. Furthermore he discusses the problem of …

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