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Survey Shows That Awareness Of Identity Theft Is Lowest In EU Member States

The research survey, conducted in Germany, France, the United Kingdom and the United States by Momentum Research Group, gauges market confidence in conducting more frequent …

RSA Security Integrates Enterprise Single Sign-On and Strong Authentication for Microsoft Windows Desktops and Networks

RSA Security Inc. today announced RSA Sign-On Manager 4.5, an enterprise single sign-on (ESSO) solution that expands integration with RSA SecurID technology. RSA Sign-On …

Vordel unveils latest version of industry’s favorite Web Services security test tool

The XML Web Services security company Vordel today unveiled the latest version of Vordel SOAPbox, the world’s most widely used security testing tool for Web Services. …

HNS Coverage from RSA Conference 2005 Europe

The RSA Conference is the most prestigious information security event in Europe. The Help Net Security staff is at the conference and we’ll attend all the appropriate …

WifiScanner 1.0.0 Linux Wireless Tool Released

After a couple of years of development, Linux based wireless tool WifiScanner got its 1.0.0 release. WifiScanner is an analyzer and detector of 802.11b stations and access …

Interview with Terry Dickson, CEO and Co-Founder of Avinti

Terry Dickson is the CEO and Co-Founder Avinti. After 23 years in the industry, Terry Dickson has extensive IT and high-technology industry experience — including six years …

Insider Security Threats Q&A

We conducted a brief Q&A session with David Lynch, CMO at Apani Networks, a global network security software provider focused on securing inside the network perimeter. …

Microsoft Patch Tuesday Brings Nine Patches

As expected, Microsoft released several patches today. Eight of this month’s Security Bulletins affect Microsoft Windows while one affects Exchange 2000 Server. Three …

What Are Digital Vaults?

A major challenge that is faced by all organisations selecting IT technology is trying to clearly understand how a particular solution may address the challenges they are …

Microsoft Updates Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool

An updated version of the Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool is now available. Version 1.9 checks computers running Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Windows Server …

Symbian Device Protection Gets Stronger With Mobile Firewall

F-Secure Corporation extended the support for its F-Secure Mobile Anti-Virus to Microsoft’s Windows Mobile operating system. Symbian Series 80 users will also get a new …

Web Application Firewall Evaluation Criteria Announced

The Web Application Firewall Evaluation Criteria project announced its first public release. The goal of the project is to develop a detailed web application firewall …

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