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Who Shall We Rob Today?

Remember those old black and white movies, the stocking masks, the pick axe handles, the sawn off shotguns and the white 2.8 Jaguar as the getaway car? Lots of action and …

Test: Network Disruption and Denial of Service

The incidence of network disruption and DoS either intended or unintentional have increased greatly over the past year. With the arrival of multi-vector worms as delivery …

The Pathogenesis of Dark Traffic Attacks

Email is without a doubt vital to almost all businesses today. Unfortunately, the vast majority of emails now passing across the Internet consist not of essential business …

Countering Cyber Terrorism

Still using that tired and worn out password to log onto your PC? Is your mother’s maiden name still the main prompt you use to log on and check your credit card …

Revealing The Myths About Network Security

Many people and businesses unknowingly leave their private information readily available to hackers because they subscribe to some common myths about computer and network …

Philip Zimmermann releases Zfone, a product that secures VoIP

Zimmermann thinks Zfone is better than the other approaches to secure VoIP, because it achieves security without reliance on a PKI, key certification, trust models, …

The 7 myths about protecting your web applications

Today Web Applications are delivering critical information to a growing number of employees and partners. Most organizations have already invested heavily in network security …

Interview with Marc Shinbrood, President and CEO, Breach Security

Marc Shinbrood has more than 30 years of experience in information technology with the last 10 years dedicated specifically to the computer security industry. What do you see …

Combating Identity Theft

Identity theft is the major security concern facing organisations today. Indeed, for the banking industry, it is the number one security priority for 2006. In a recent survey …

Communicating with Confidence: Choosing a Secure, Flexible Working Solution

In today’s mobile, highly-networked world, workers depend on access to their office networks to retrieve data about their customers, colleagues and business projects. …

Managing the Impact of Academic Research on Industry/Government: Conflict or Partnership?

In the world of Information Security, there is great potential for conflict between the research aims of academics on the one hand, and the interests of industry and …

Recover Passwords Using the Power of Multiple Computers

Elcomsoft Distributed Password Recovery offers administrators a comprehensive solution for recovering passwords to MS-Office documents when employees forget their passwords, …

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