Expert analysis
Introducing Stealth Malware Taxonomy
At the beginning of this year, at Black Hat Federal Conference, I proposed a simple taxonomy that could be used to classify stealth malware according to how it interacts with …
What Are The Most Common Causes Of Security Breaches?
Historically, the approach to enterprise security has been to make the fortress bigger and stronger – to install more products, and write more policies. Yet despite …
7 Steps to Securing USB Drives
Personal storage devices such as USB flash drives are more powerful than ever and have become ubiquitous in the enterprise environment. Originally designed for consumer use, …
Storing and Protecting Data
Given massive data growth across all industries, Information Lifecycle Management or ILM has become accepted as a critical business goal many organisations hope to achieve …
Top 10 Ajax Security Holes and Driving Factors
One of the central ingredients of Web 2.0 applications is Ajax encompassed by JavaScripts. This phase of evolution has transformed the Web into a superplatform. Not …
WAN Acceleration: Best Practices for Preserving Security
The centralization of branch office servers and storage enables enterprises to more effectively manage and secure critical business information. By moving servers out of …
Super Power Password Protection – Watching You Watching Me
Not a day goes by without some story hitting the wires about yet another piece of confidential information appearing in somebody’s inbox. Confidential emails, files, …
Data Storage Security – Quo Vadis
Today, industry trends are forcing security in the data center to be re-thought. In particular, the trend towards consolidation results in increasingly centralised data …
Computers, Networks and Theft
Computers have become an integral part of our lives. Every day more and more users and organizations use them to store data which is a type of property. Although most people …
Interview with Marc Vaillant, CEO of Criston
Since the start of his career, Marc Vaillant has always worked in the high-tech sector, holding positions in companies of various sizes. Before joining Criston, he was Chief …
Data Protection Management: Shedding Light on Complex Infrastructures
Data protection strategies have become significantly more complex in recent years. Companies that used to rely on a single-vendor tape backup solution are now using disk-based …
Top 10 Web 2.0 Attack Vectors
Web 2.0 is the novel term coined for new generation Web applications., Google maps, Writely and are a few examples. The shifting technological landscape …