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Cross-Site Scripting Worms and Viruses: The Impending Threat and the Best Defense

On October 4, 2005, the “Samy Worm1” became the first major worm to use Cross-Site Scripting2 (“XSS”) for infection propagation. Overnight, the worm …

Identity Theft – Should You Be Worried?

Pick up any magazine or newspaper, surf to any Internet technology or news site, turn on the TV and listen to the news and it becomes apparent that identity theft is a major …

Automated Patch Management

It’s nearly impossible to escape computer-based information in today’s high-tech society. From doctors’ offices to hardware stores, organizations and …

A Modular Approach to Data Validation in Web Applications

Data that is not validated or poorly validated is the root cause of a number of serious security vulnerabilities affecting applications. This paper presents a modular approach …

Intelligence as the Basis for Proactive Security Risk Management

There has been a significant shift recently in the sophistication of network attacks as these morph from unstructured to structured threats. Users not only face a broader …

Phishers Are Improving Their Chances of Success with Targeted Attacks

Phishers are using a lesson learned from virus and worm writers to improve their chances of success. Over time virus and worm authors discovered that is was not necessarily …

Who Shall We Rob Today?

Remember those old black and white movies, the stocking masks, the pick axe handles, the sawn off shotguns and the white 2.8 Jaguar as the getaway car? Lots of action and …

Test: Network Disruption and Denial of Service

The incidence of network disruption and DoS either intended or unintentional have increased greatly over the past year. With the arrival of multi-vector worms as delivery …

The Pathogenesis of Dark Traffic Attacks

Email is without a doubt vital to almost all businesses today. Unfortunately, the vast majority of emails now passing across the Internet consist not of essential business …

Countering Cyber Terrorism

Still using that tired and worn out password to log onto your PC? Is your mother’s maiden name still the main prompt you use to log on and check your credit card …

Revealing The Myths About Network Security

Many people and businesses unknowingly leave their private information readily available to hackers because they subscribe to some common myths about computer and network …

Philip Zimmermann releases Zfone, a product that secures VoIP

Zimmermann thinks Zfone is better than the other approaches to secure VoIP, because it achieves security without reliance on a PKI, key certification, trust models, …

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