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Change and Configuration Solutions Aid PCI Auditors

To the casual observer of the Payment Card Industry (PCI) standard, it might seem that the standard deals exclusively with the servers and point-of-sale terminals that house …

Network Access Control: Bridging the Network Security Gap

The business work place has evolved significantly over the last ten years. Back then, networks were far more simplistic; the internet was not a critical business tool, there …

Securing Moving Targets

Newton’s first law of motion states that a moving body will want to keep moving. The same law also seems to apply to business data, and the problem is trying to stop …

Interview with Gregory Conti, Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the United States Military Academy

Besides his work as a professor and Director of the Information and Technology and Operations research center, Gregory Conti is also the author of the excellent book Security …

The Future of Encryption

In today’s world the protection of sensitive data is one of the most critical concerns for organizations and their customers. This, coupled with growing regulatory …

The Need for a New Security Approach

Historically the goal of security for most companies was nice and simple: keep the bad guys out. And it was easy to classify who the bad guys were. The bad guys were everyone …

Where’s My iPhone? A Lesson in Incident Response

Security incidents come in many forms, from attackers breaking into computers, unauthorized attempts to sniff wireless networks and collect information, and stolen laptops or …

Interview with Nitesh Dhanjani and Billy Rios, Spies in the Phishing Underground

Both Nitesh and Billy are well-known security researchers that have recently managed to infiltrate the phishing underground. What started as a simple examination of phishing …

Social Engineering: Threats and Countermeasures

Over the years much has been written about how users are the weakest link in security, and there are surely not many people who would disagree. Despite this, companies often …

Web 2.0 Security

Web 2.0 is an umbrella term coined to include technologies used for providing user-centric web based services. Here, the services are architected and programmed so that they …

Cross Site Printing: Printer Spamming

Many network printers listen on port 9100 for a print job (RAW Printing or Direct IP printing). You can telnet directly to the printer port and enter text. Once you disconnect …

WiFi Epidemiology: Can Your Neighbors’ Router Make Yours Sick?

In densely populated urban areas WiFi routers form a tightly interconnected proximity network that can be exploited as a substrate for the spreading of malware able to launch …

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