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Automatic Patch-Based Exploit Generation is Possible: Techniques and Implications

The automatic patch-based exploit generation problem is: given a program P and a patched version of the program P’, automatically generate an exploit for the potentially …

The Fundamentals of Physical Security

Deviant Ollam works as a network engineer and security consultant but his strongest love has always been teaching. A supporter of First Amendment rights who believes that the …

Changing Threats, Changing Solutions: A History of Viruses and Antivirus

It is more than 20 years since the first PC virus appeared. Since then, the nature of threats has changed significantly. Today’s threats are more complex than ever …

HNS Podcast: Penetration testing considerations

In this HNS podcast, Anothony Alves from CORE Security Technologies talks about penetration testing. He dicusses the things you should look for when considering doing a …

Hacking Second Life

At Black Hat in Amsterdam we caught up with Michael Thumann, CSO of ERNW. In this video he discusses Second Life hacking. Beyond being an online game Second Life is a growing …

Interview with Chris Sanders, Author of “Practical Packet Analysis”

Chris Sanders is a Senior Support Engineer for KeeFORCE, a technology consulting firm. Chris writes and speaks on various topics including packet analysis, network security, …

Data Loss Prevention: Where Do We Go From Here?

DLP is fast becoming one of the most overused yet misunderstood acronyms in an industry known for its cryptic abbreviations. The popular label for data loss prevention is …

HNS Podcast: InfoSec World Conference & Expo

Jean Hey, Vice President of MIS Trainining Institute talks about InfoSec World Conference & Expo, event that the Help Net Security staff attended in early March. In this …

HNS Podcast: Vulnerability Management Considerations

In this HNS podcast, Anthony Alves from CORE Security Technologies discusses briefly vulnerability management. He covers some of the things you should consider while …

Empirical Exploitation of Live Virtual Machine Migration

As virtualization continues to become increasingly popular in enterprise and organizational networks, operators and administrators are turning to live migration of virtual …

Guard Against Cyberspace Threats

With the changing nature of threats in cyberspace, the need is growing to absorb attacks and to protect online identities against both high-profile and stealthy infiltration …

Importance of Web Application Firewall Technology for Protecting Web-based Resources

Web-based applications and services have changed the landscape of information delivery and exchange in today’s corporate, government, and educational arenas. Ease of …

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