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Smart buildings may be your cybersecurity downfall

According to a recent eEnergy report, 30 per cent of all purchased energy in the UK is currently wasted in commercial buildings, warehouses and education facilities. Whilst …

What you should look for in an MDR relationship

The managed IT services market is growing both in size and importance, as more organizations decide it makes fiscal and operational sense to outsource key functions. This is …

Are your cybersecurity investments making you less resilient?

In the past decade, digital transformation has become a buzzword in nearly every industry. Organizations have scaled down workforces in favor of automation, moved their …

smart thermostat
Don’t lose control of your smart thermostat this winter

Winter is coming and the energy crisis is upon us. With rocketing prices and dwindling supply, much of the western world is bracing for three cold months beset by …

2FA is over. Long live 3FA!

In the past few months, we’ve seen an unprecedented number of identity theft attacks targeting accounts protected by two-factor authentication (2FA), challenging the …

EDR is not a silver bullet

Old lore held that shooting a werewolf, vampire, or even just your average nasty villain with a silver bullet was a sure-fire takedown: one hit, no more bad guy. As …

Purpose-based access control: Putting data access requests into context

Access control is the heart of data protection. Striking the right balance between easy access and tight security isn’t easy, but getting it right is how you maintain business …

October 2022 Patch Tuesday forecast: Looking for treats, not more tricks

We’ve entered the final quarter of 2022 with a favorite holiday for many – Halloween, at the end of the month. Unfortunately, Microsoft has continued to play a few tricks on …

What $1B in cybersecurity funding can mean for US state, local governments

How do you best spend a cybersecurity budget you have long been hoping you’d get? That’s the question state, local, and territorial (SLT) governments are starting to ask …

Unearth offboarding risks before your employees say goodbye

Saying goodbye is never easy. That’s especially true when it comes to employee offboarding – but not due to sentimentality. In our increasingly digital workplace, …

API authentication failures demonstrate the need for zero trust

The use of application programming interfaces (APIs) has exploded as businesses deploy mobile apps, containers, serverless computing, microservices, and expand their cloud …

open source security
When transparency is also obscurity: The conundrum that is open-source security

Open-source software (OSS) has a lot of advocates. After all, why would we continuously try and write code that solves problems that others have already solved? Why not share …

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