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How big data is transforming information security

In this video recorded at Hack In The Box 2013 Amsterdam, Eddie Schwartz, CSO at RSA, The Security Division of EMC, discusses the impact of big data on information security. …

DDoS attacks: What they are and how to protect yourself

Ameen Pishdadi is the CTO at GigeNET. In this interview he discusses the various types of DDoS attacks, tells us who is at risk, tackles information gathering during attacks, …

BYOD: The why and the how

Brad Keller and Robin Slade are Senior Vice Presidents at The Santa Fe Group. In this interview they talk in detail about the challenges involved in evaluating, deploying and …

Information security executives need to be strategic thinkers

George Baker is the Director of Information Security at Exostar. In this interview he talks about the challenges in working in a dynamic threat landscape, offers tips for …

Oppose PRISM-like programs today or lose you privacy tomorrow

I used to work for a telecommunication company. The government had access to call records, although the process for obtaining any information required manual requests and …

To hack back or not to hack back?

Many centuries ago, explorers came to the vast land of North America. Shipload upon shipload of dreamers, explorers, businessmen and farmers entered the harbors and spread out …

The future of online authentication

Recently, Twitter has introduced 2-factor authentication – the latest in a long list of large-scale web services that have taken this step including Google, Microsoft …

Brown University CISO on education, BYOD and emerging threats

David Sherry is the CISO at Brown University. He leads the Information Security Group, charged with the development and maintenance of Brown’s information security …

Questioning Google’s disclosure timeline motivations

The presence of 0-day vulnerability exploitation is often a real and considerable threat to the Internet – particularly when very popular consumer-level software is the …

Profiling modern hackers: Hacktivists, criminals, and cyber spies

Sun Tzu, the renowned military strategist and author of The Art of War, was known for the saying, “Know thy enemy and known thyself, and you will not be imperiled in a …

Automate your way out of patching hell

IT departments are often criticised for their remoteness from the business. One cause could be highlighted by recent research numbers from IDC, which found that as much as 70 …

Plugging the trust gap

Every business and government is dependent upon cryptographic keys and certificates to provide trust for critical communications. These trust technologies underpin the modern …

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