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A question of trust

Trust is the foundation for many of our relationships, both in our personal and business life. Trust is one of the strongest elements supporting a relationship and helps it …

Metrics: Valuable security indicator or noise?

Many organizations believe that IT, and by association IT security, is a wasted expense. They recognize that the financial investment needs to be made but few truly understand …

Trust me with your secrets

For little over a month, revelations about NSA wiretapping schemes have been hitting the news and and rattling the world. The fact that the NSA has access to so much data …

Mobile operating system wars: Android vs. iOS

When we introduced Clueful for Android, we thought mobile users should know what the applications on their devices were doing. One year and a couple hundred thousand analyzed …

UEFI secure boot: Next generation booting or a controversial debate

One of the first initiatives for secure booting has been the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) Initiative. UEFI is a superior replacement of the Basic Input Output …

Selecting a cloud provider starts with exit planning

Let’s begin with a story: The first day of the new week started very ordinarily and nothing indicated this was going to be a very long and tiring day for Sarah, a CIO of …

Dissecting operation Troy: Cyberespionage in South Korea

When reports of the Dark Seoul attack on South Korean financial services and media firms emerged in the wake of the attack on March 20, 2013, most of the focus was on the …

Jon Callas on privacy in the modern age

In this interview, Jon Callas, co-founder of PGP and current CTO at Silent Circle, discusses the global erosion of privacy and the importance of confidentiality. He tackles …

Twitter underground economy still going strong

The Twitter underground economy and the fake social account market as a whole continues to gain momentum, and the financial motivations of this multimillion-dollar business …

Protect your company from BYOD security threats

With users wanting to connect their personally owned computers to corporate infrastructure, IT admins have to find the right balance between providing services, and securing …

Combating attacks with collaborative threat intelligence

Advanced Persistent Attacks (APTs) get most of the attention from the cyber security community because, as defenders, we want to be vigilant against the most insidious …

SSL Labs: Deploying forward secrecy

With revelations about mass surveillance in the news everywhere, an obscure feature of SSL/TLS called forward secrecy has suddenly become very interesting. So what is it, and …

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