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Does a secure coding training platform really work?

As security vulnerabilities are reported to you time and again, you may ask yourself: “Why don’t these developers learn the lesson?” The next thing you may think is: “We …

IT’s rising role in physical security technology

As the adoption of cloud-based and mobile-access security systems continues to increase among both new and established businesses, the lines between traditional physical …

How EU lawmakers can make mandatory vulnerability disclosure responsible

There is a standard playbook and best practice for when an organization discovers or is notified about a software vulnerability: The organization works quickly to fix the …

4 ways simulation training alleviates team burnout

Burnout is endemic in the cybersecurity industry, damaging the mental and physical health of cyber professionals and leaving organizations underskilled, understaffed, and …

Why the “voluntary AI commitments” extracted by the White House are nowhere near enough

Representatives from Amazon, Anthropic, Google, Inflection, Meta, Microsoft, and OpenAI recently convened at the White House for a meeting with President Biden with the stated …

Ransomware: To pay or not to pay

Comprehensive security plans and programs must focus on defense, but also on answering these key question: “How will the organization respond to a ransomware attack?”, and “At …

APTs use of lesser-known TTPs are no less of a headache

APT (advanced persistent threat) attacks were once considered to be primarily a problem for large corporations, but the number of these (often state-sponsored) attacks against …

How to handle API sprawl and the security threat it poses

The proliferation of APIs has marked them as prime targets for malicious attackers. With recent reports indicating that API vulnerabilities are costing businesses billions of …

Will AI kill cybersecurity jobs?

Some ten years ago, the authors of The Second Machine Age wrote that “computers and other digital advances are doing for mental power—the ability to use our brains to …

Remote work
Why cybersecurity is a blue-collar job

Cybersecurity has witnessed exponential growth in recent years, fueled by the increasing sophistication of cyber threats. As the demand for skilled professionals continues to …

For TSA’s updated Pipeline Security Directive, consistency and collaboration are key

Late last month, the Transportation Security Administration renewed and updated its security directive aimed at enhancing the cybersecurity of oil and natural gas pipelines. …

patch tuesday
August 2023 Patch Tuesday forecast: Software security improvements

August 2023 Patch Tuesday: Microsoft fixes critical bugs in Teams, MSMQ The continued onslaught of phishing attacks, ransomware deployment, and other exploitation is forcing …

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