Expert analysis
Aligning risk analysis and IT security spending
IT security spending should be aligned with risk analysis results. Too frequently, though, this is not the case. Thought leaders in information security have been describing a …
Overcoming Big Data security obstacles
When it comes to security, Big Data can be the cause of many obstacles. As Big Data often contains enormous quantities of personally identifiable information, privacy becomes …
Enterprises must prepare for attacks on supply chain and POS in 2015
One thing is certain – there is plenty of job security in the business of protecting data. Attackers keep upping their game therefore, so must we. 2014 can be …
Three branches of security: Strengthening your posture with checks and balances
With Election Day around the corner, we thought it an appropriate time to take a look at the checks and balances model that has served the United States well for over two …
Targeting security weaknesses in the phone channel
Fraud over the phone channel is a significant problem for businesses, both small and large. Recently, phone hackers targeted a small architecture firm in Georgia, costing them …
Fixing the broken windows of software security
Last month I discussed how we can fix software security issues only by making sure we use libraries and frameworks that don’t allow classes of vulnerability to exist. Of …
Automation is the key to successful policy implementation
Organizations today are facing increased pressure to collect and store massive amounts of data. Regulatory guidelines, storage costs, and the promise of Big Data have …
Explaining infosec magic to kids
Magic! It’s the basis for countless children’s stories filled with adventure and excitement. It’s also how many kids think cyberspace works. There’s …
Think before you share that file
It’s hard to read through the news nowadays without stumbling upon some type of data breach or leak. Recently, Apple’s iCloud service has been in the limelight, …
What all major brands share in common with the Snappening
By now we have all heard about “The Snappening”—hyped as a high-profile data breach involving the photo-sharing application Snapchat. Virtually every news outlet …
The Software Assurance Marketplace: A response to a challenging problem
With the steady proliferation of wearable devices and the emergence of the Internet of Things, everyone and everything will eventually be connected by some piece of software. …
How security-wary retailers can prepare for the holiday season
Retailers are beside themselves with worry as the spate of data breaches among them continues. With Black Friday approaching, what can retailers still do to protect themselves …