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Protecting the critical infrastructure: Strategies, challenges and regulation

In this interview, Raj Samani, VP and CTO EMEA at Intel Security, talks about successful information security strategies aimed at the critical infrastructure, government …

Trumping cybercriminals during tax season: Tips on how to stay safe

Tax season is stressful for many reasons and April 15 equals a headache for many Americans. In addition to wading through taxes, tax season also opens up a new vector in which …

Why you shouldn’t ignore change auditing

Rupesh Kumar is the Director of Lepide Software. In this interview, he discusses the benefits of change auditing. What are the benefits of using change auditing? What security …

Signature antivirus’ dirty little secret

If you rely only on traditional, signature-based antivirus, you are going to get infected—and probably a lot! Antivirus was, and still is, a valuable addition to your layered …

Do your attackers know your network better than you?

Cyber crime is a lucrative business. In fact, to make the cyber attack as profitable as possible and to minimize the risk of getting caught, attackers and black hat hackers …

Why senior managers need to be involved in data security

The networking environment has changed radically in recent times. In today’s world of increasing wireless use, widespread BYOD, more home working, more remote access, …

The evolution of vendor risk management in financial institutions

The Financial Services industry has long been recognized as a leader in establishing many of the security and fraud detection practices that have influenced best practices in …

Information security innovation and research

Sin-Yaw Wang is the Vice President of Engineering at WatchGuard Technologies. In this interview he talks about the the main challenges for delivering innovative information …

Preventing fraud through enterprise password management

The past few years the world has seen various incidents where students have fraudulently modified their school grades, progress reports and attendance records. Recently, there …

When it comes to patient data privacy, compliance and security differ

If a name perfectly underscored a growing issue of concern, it’s Anthem. In February, the health insurance plan provider disclosed cyber attackers had breached its IT …

Protecting healthcare records from cyber attacks is a game of cat and mouse

The never-ending battle between healthcare organisations and cyber attackers has always been like a game of cat and mouse. The hacker plays the role of the mouse, constantly …

Smartwatches and corporate data

I was super excited when my wife got me a smartwatch. In addition to the geeky coolness factor of a smartwatch, being a long-time security professional I was also interested …

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