Expert analysis
Why is ERP security so difficult?
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) security has been all over the news lately. From high profile breaches, like the recent U.S. Office of Personnel Management breach, to …
What a business leader should know about the cloud and its impact
Great companies see business risks as opportunities, and execute strategies accordingly. Such a mentality is compatible with emerging technologies. IT plays a vital role in …
Never underestimate the impact of a data breach
The growth of cyber-crime and the impact of successful attacks on an organization’s bottom-line should not be underestimated; it is anticipated that data breaches will …
Why location-based social media data is critical for security
Sports games at stadiums, hurricanes along the coast, protests on city streets, guest complaints at hotels, customer praise at restaurants, bullying at schools… Things happen …
We don’t know what we don’t know
Citing the latest cyber security statistics is a popular way for security companies to show that they are keeping a watchful eye on the threat landscape. Where does the …
The best way to prevent data breaches? It’s not what you think
Data security breaches seem to be popping up almost daily. From the 2015 IRS breach, to the hacking of federal government employees’ data by China, it’s clear much of our most …
Data-centric security with RightsWATCH
The fact that sensitive data seems to increasingly follow a pattern of being leaked, lost or stolen, has forced security professionals to rethink how their organizations can …
You’ve been breached, now what?
Everybody tends to think that hackers will never ever target them or their company/organization until a breach occurs. This article concentrate on post-incident actions and …
Why vulnerability disclosure shouldn’t be a marketing tool
There have been many arguments within the security community on how researchers should disclose the existence of a security vulnerability. Some argue that full disclosure is …
5 ways to stop the Internet of Things from becoming the Internet of Thieves
The Internet of Things is here and is now on your wrist, in your pocket, in your car, and maybe even in your socks. From smart watches and self-driving cars to smart …
The cloud, FedRAMP and FISMA compliance
Many federal agencies and government contractors are migrating to cloud-based computing, a trend that will pick up speed as the cloud becomes more efficient, more affordable, …
TLS security: What really matters and how to get there
Deploying TLS securely is getting more complicated, rather than less. One possibility is that, with so much attention on TLS and many potential issues to consider, we’re …