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The value of patching and how to do it properly

Patching has been the stalwart of the information security community for at least the last 15 years. In this podcast recorded at RSA Conference 2015, Wolfgang Kandek, CTO at …

Planning for the Internet of Things

As organizations plan for the future, and how security has to operate within their business, they now have to worry about the Internet of Things (IoT). There’s a clear …

The invasion of biometrics

Depending on where you stand biometrics is a good thing or something that is downright sinister. The truth is that to a degree biometric technologies have a valid and useful …

The ticking cybersecurity risk: Managing wearable tech in the workplace

Smartphones and tablets took time to effectively crossover from consumer device to business staple. Wearables, despite still being the infants of IT hardware, are already …

How can organizations adapt to the rise in data breaches?

There’s more money currently dedicated to stopping data breaches than ever before; however, this money isn’t always being sent in the right direction to truly put a stop to …

Five misunderstandings about cloud storage

Cloud storage is a solution that users are driving IT organizations to use whether we want to or not. Just ask a sales person what they use. They will tell you how great it is …

The need for end-user visibility in a Bring Your Own Anything environment

Mobiles, tablets, PCs, applications, cloud services – employees are increasingly bringing non-company devices into their organizations and connecting them to everything …

How to protect from threats against USB enabled devices

Reports have been circulating that e-cigarette chargers from China were corrupted and infected machines with malware. Many journalists took the story at face value, even …

Boards must up their game before the hackers claim checkmate

In today’s climate, the cyber security paradigm is a reactive cycle. When a threat is uncovered, it is examined and a counter-measure is created, with response times …

How vulnerable is our critical national infrastructure?

Considered the backbone of the nation’s economy, security and health; critical infrastructure provides power, water, transportation, and communications systems relied on …

I don’t need friends, I have followers

Admittedly, I didn’t really mean to utter those words but found them coming out of my mouth nonetheless. Well what else do you say when an eight year old ridicules you …

Look where you’re going before backing up

For all intents and purposes, the 31st of March is not a day that infers significance. It is the 90th day in the Gregorian calendar (leap years aside), and is the home for …

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