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We’ve been hacked! Okay, I’ll deal with it next week

That was the message I got from a CEO when we presented evidence that their organization had been compromised and the attackers had been free to roam for months, resulting in …

Top 3 trends in today’s threat landscape

Every day there seems to be a new malware threat that we hear about, from remotely controlling cars and medical equipment, to attacks on well-known security vendors such as …

The countdown to the EU Data Protection Regulation

The scope of the changes under the proposed shift to a single EU Data Protection Regulation, means that organisations should be doing the groundwork now to ensure they’re not …

Internet of Things: Connecting the security dots from application design to post-sale

The age of Internet of Things is upon us. While it’s still early days, Gartner predicts that by 2020, the Internet of Things will be made up of 26 billion connected devices …

Don’t sink your network

Too many of today’s networks are easy to sink. One attack pierces the perimeter, and all of the organisation’s most sensitive data comes rushing out. Soon after, their logo is …

Do attribution and motives matter?

Whenever people think of APTs and targeted attacks, people ask: who did it? What did they want? While those questions may well be of some interest, we think it is much more …

The price of the Internet of Things will be a vague dread of a malicious world

Volkswagen didn’t make a faulty car: they programmed it to cheat intelligently. The difference isn’t semantics, it’s game-theoretical (and it borders on applied demonology). …

Applying machine learning techniques on contextual data for threat detection

The momentum behind cloud computing couldn’t be stronger as companies, governments and other organizations move to the cloud to lower costs and improve agility. However, you …

Top 5 Android Marshmallow enterprise security benefits

Google’s new Android Marshmallow operating system offers important new security and ease-of-use features that improve its functionality for both enterprise and individual …

The evolution of the CISO in today’s digital economy

As the digital economy becomes ever more connected and encompasses all industries, we’re reaching a point where every company today is a technology company. Along with this …

Is your network suffering from the trombone effect?

Trombones are wonderful instruments. These brass beauties are mainstays of any marching band, dutifully producing a bouncing bass tone. Some trombones, however, generate a …

Enhancing email security in Office 365

The need for corporate security has never been greater. Identity theft remains a lucrative crime, and we read about a major hack nearly every day. Companies moving to Office …

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