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Why we need a reality check on passwords

Given all the recent and historical news on data breaches of personal e-mail accounts, social media accounts and even phone account passwords, it is every wonder therefore …

Oracle fixes 248 vulnerabilities in January patch update

Oracle has published their Critical Patch Update (CPU) for January 2016. The Oracle CPU is quarterly and addresses the flaws in large Oracle’s product line, including their …

Endpoint security really can improve user experience

Traditional security policies are intrusive and impact user productivity. This is unfortunately the opinion of most end users. In fact, according to a recent study performed …

Have I been hacked? The indicators that suggest you have

Security professionals are constantly on the hunt for potential vulnerabilities and looking for ways to defend their networks. The term “indicator of compromise” (IOC) – first …

magnifying glass
User behavior analytics: The equalizer for under-staffed security teams

In a perfect world, security professionals would see a few alerts, recognize the pattern, identify the malware and the hacker, and solve the problem – all with only a few …

Wi-Fi and security are better together for SMBs

Wireless adoption is growing fast globally, with Wi-Fi access becoming ubiquitous in businesses, stores, corporate environments and public spaces; literally everywhere we go. …

You can’t stop what you can’t see: Mitigating third-party vendor risk

Third-party vendors are a liability for host organizations, often unwittingly creating backdoors and exposing sensitive data. In fact, according to the Ponemon Institute …

IoT connection
An Internet of Things wish list for 2016

I’ve been writing about the Internet of Things for a while now, both from the perspective of the great opportunities that the IoT offers and the very real pressure it will put …

Demanding accountability: The need for cyber liability

GCHQ director Robert Hannigan pulled no punches last month when he stated that the free market is failing cybersecurity. And with 90% of large organisations and 74% of small …

Will IT security be different next year?

It is that time of the year again where we delve into the back of the cupboard and dust off the crystal ball as we make our predictions for the year ahead. This annual ritual …

Facebook drops Flash, adding one more reason for users to stop using it altogether

Facebook recently announced it stopped using Adobe Flash for web videos that appear on its News Feed, Pages and the embedded Facebook video player, instead deploying a video …

Top trends that will influence your security decisions in 2016

With 2016 almost here, many of us are making critical decisions regarding new security projects. Determining just where to focus and spend our limited resources is never easy, …

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