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Who’s next? Shift focus and detect network attackers

Who will be the victim of the next major breach? Nearly all enterprises and organizations are sitting ducks for a targeted network attack. Maybe it’s time to take some …

Identity protection: The critical intersection of biometrics and commerce

In light of some high-profile data breaches in recent years, businesses are constantly seeking possible forms of authentication to replace passwords. While such breaches might …

Exploit kits: The rise in user-friendly malware

In past years, we’re seen a massive increase in the use of exploit kits. No website is too great to withstand the many powerful kits, with the Mail Online famously …

Why a layered defense is your best protection against malware

As long as there is software there will be vulnerabilities and those vulnerabilities will be exploited. It’s a bold statement, and oddly enough technically incorrect. In …

Five steps to GDPR compliance

For any organisations processing personal data the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is important news. Agreed upon just days ago, after years of negotiations, the …

Spring network cleaning: Quick tips to reduce risk

Spring is here, which means many people will be cleaning their workspace and getting rid of the clutter on their desks. If you’re in charge of your organization’s security, we …

3 steps to embracing NIST 800 security controls

One proven path to improving any organization’s security posture is to embrace the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s risk management framework set forth in its …

Why the smart office is highly susceptible to data breaches

The Edge in Amsterdam is one of the smartest office buildings in the world. The state-of-the-art offices include 28,000 connected sensors for motion, light, temperature, …

Why ICS network attacks pose unique security challenges

Attacks on industrial control systems (ICSs) are increasing in frequency – and have become a reality we can no longer ignore. Securing these networks poses unique …

Panama Papers: A data security disaster

The Panama Papers security breach is a juicy, made-for-the-Internet scandal. It has all the elements – secret off-shore accounts; involvement by international politicians, …

Microsoft patches Badlock, but doesn’t call it critical

Microsoft just released several security bulletins, with six marked as critical and seven categorized as important. The biggest surprise (or disguise) came in the patch marked …

Developing the perfect exfiltration technique

At SafeBreach, one of our major research areas is exfiltration (sending sensitive data out of the corporate network). In one of our research projects in late 2015, we set out …

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