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Software-Defined Perimeter enables application-specific access control

Back in the early 1990s enterprises migrated away from proprietary protocols such as DECnet, SNA, and Novell IPX to common standards such as IP. The motivation was the open …

Real-world roadblocks to implementing CISA

The recent approval of CISA (the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act) by the US Congress and Senate is paving the way for broader security collaboration. There is a rapidly …

Creating a secure network for the Internet of Things

The attitudes and perceptions around the Internet of Things (IoT) span a wide array of views from the extreme excitement of consumers and manufacturers, to the concerns …

The top 6 scariest cloud security mistakes and how to avoid them

As Halloween approaches, the only thing more frightening than a house of horrors is a security threat to your enterprise cloud system. One slip-up could not only be …

What should companies do after a wide-scale data breach?

It is not always possible to prevent such attacks, however, it is possible to make them highly unlikely to succeed. It is also possible to limit the extent of possible damage …

Employee activities that every security team should monitor

Next time you are at a cocktail party with a group of IT security professionals, try this icebreaker – “Which of the following user activities could open the door to a data …

Why everyone should care about two-factor authentication

In the age of BYOD, corporate employees and consumers alike have access to incredible computing power in the palms of their hands. With almost our entire digital lives …

Internet of Things: Rethinking privacy and information sharing

It is hard to imagine a world where the Internet of Things (IoT) is our collective “normal” – when our interaction with devices around us is so embedded in our lives, how we …

We’ve been hacked! Okay, I’ll deal with it next week

That was the message I got from a CEO when we presented evidence that their organization had been compromised and the attackers had been free to roam for months, resulting in …

Top 3 trends in today’s threat landscape

Every day there seems to be a new malware threat that we hear about, from remotely controlling cars and medical equipment, to attacks on well-known security vendors such as …

The countdown to the EU Data Protection Regulation

The scope of the changes under the proposed shift to a single EU Data Protection Regulation, means that organisations should be doing the groundwork now to ensure they’re not …

Internet of Things: Connecting the security dots from application design to post-sale

The age of Internet of Things is upon us. While it’s still early days, Gartner predicts that by 2020, the Internet of Things will be made up of 26 billion connected devices …

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