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cloud computing
Where does your cloud data live? 3 questions to ask

There’s a common thread behind every security pro’s cloud-related fears: control. Whether your company’s infrastructure revolves around a cloud-centric strategy or regulates …

The hunting approach to defeating cyber attacks

Security used to be all about building walls around our organizations and trying to immediately stop all attacks. But today’s adversaries are sophisticated, persistent, and …

Healthcare needs a data centric security approach

With increasing attacks on PHI data, coupled with more stringent data security requirements and regular audits, organizations should act now – before it’s too late. A recent …

How to assess your stakeholder matrix as part of a cloud security strategy

Running your organization in the cloud has many benefits: cost savings, efficiency gains, and the flexibility to scale, to name a few, along with some security drawbacks. This …

Rethink network security outside the box

Preventing bad guys from compromising an organization has historically been executed based on a basic concept: establish a perimeter, and control who and what goes in and out. …

threat hunting
How do you win the web security game when the rules keep changing?

Successfully protecting against web-based attacks is like trying to win a game that keeps changing its rules, only nobody tells you what the new rules are. With a rapidly …

Security implications of online voting

With essentially everything moving online, it would seem to be the natural progression that voting online or on your mobile device would be the next thing to happen. Not only …

virtual reality
The IoT blame game

The first Friday the thirteenth of any year is officially “Blame Someone Else Day.” What a delightful thought – that all the failures, inconsistencies, and …

How to consolidate your sensitive data footprint

Data is the driving force behind every organization, whether an organization is primarily a retailer, a manufacturer, healthcare provider or a bank, it will possess some if …

Harnessing integrated security analytics

Necessity is the mother of invention. To match the demands of a threat landscape that has grown exponentially in the last decade, cybersecurity innovation has moved at a …

road sign
Security startup confessions: Let’s talk about channel management

My name is Kai Roer and I am a co-founder of a European security startup, and these are my confessions. I hope you will learn from my struggles, and appreciate the choices …

The future of intrusion detection

It’s always an interesting exercise to extrapolate from current technologies and industry challenges to sketch the future landscape. This especially holds true for cyber …

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