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Let’s stop talking password flaws and instead discuss access management

A good bit of attention has been given to a new report that suggests that there are organizations that don’t change their administrative passwords at all, ever. While it may …

virtual reality
IoT and virtual reality: What’s next?

Smart doorbells, clever fridges, talking TVs, intelligent manufacturing, self-driving cars – all pretty cool. The IoT, in fact, is chock full of potentially very cool …

State of security: Human error and remembering the essentials

It seems that in a sea of complex digital ploys, companies are trying so hard to guard against the next big threat that they have forgotten the basics. From years of extensive …

Hidden in plain sight: Four signs your network might be under attack

It’s a well-documented fact that an organization may be under attack and not even know it, with malware spreading undetected across the network for days, weeks or even …

Security startup confessions: Choosing a tech partner

My name is Kai Roer and I am a co-founder of a European security startup, and these are my confessions. I hope you will learn from my struggles, and appreciate the choices …

Living in a password free world in the modern enterprise

The era of password security in the modern enterprise is over. Passwords are dead. Let’s be honest. Passwords in the enterprise were never really that secure in the …

The inherent problems of the detection paradigm

An ongoing debate in the modern cybersecurity world is whether to detect or prevent cyberattacks. Although detection technologies are undoubtedly important tools in the …

The economics of hacking: Change your thinking

If you saw the film Wall Street, you undoubtedly recall the iconic character Gordon Gekko famously stating, “what’s worth doing is worth doing for money.” This perspective is …

Who’s next? Shift focus and detect network attackers

Who will be the victim of the next major breach? Nearly all enterprises and organizations are sitting ducks for a targeted network attack. Maybe it’s time to take some …

Identity protection: The critical intersection of biometrics and commerce

In light of some high-profile data breaches in recent years, businesses are constantly seeking possible forms of authentication to replace passwords. While such breaches might …

Exploit kits: The rise in user-friendly malware

In past years, we’re seen a massive increase in the use of exploit kits. No website is too great to withstand the many powerful kits, with the Mail Online famously …

Why a layered defense is your best protection against malware

As long as there is software there will be vulnerabilities and those vulnerabilities will be exploited. It’s a bold statement, and oddly enough technically incorrect. In …

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