Expert analysis

Best practices for securing your data in-motion
Security and compliance is at the top of every IT pro’s mind, yet much of that effort is focused on protecting data within the organization that’s “at rest.” While it’s …

IoT security: Defending a young industry from attack
As the IoT industry matures, it’s safe to say we’re well past “early adopter” phase and seeing broader development and deployment. While the prospect of a more established and …

Four ways to keep data safe during election season
There is no shortage of passionate feelings among voters when it comes to this November’s presidential election. Those feelings extend tenfold to each candidate’s campaigns. …

Democracy for the Internet of Things
In the past I’ve written a number of times on the way that the IoT potentially changes the relationship between governments and their constituents – and a profound change that …

How to implement an EFSS ransomware recovery plan
Ransomware attacks are at an all-time high, and security experts warn it has become a matter of “when” not “if” your company will be breached. The number of victims has grown …

October Patch Tuesday: Changes, urgent updates and what’s coming next
The leaves aren’t the only things changing this October. Patch Tuesday is here and with it comes some interesting updates from big names in the software space. This month, …

Components of an effective vulnerability management process
Vulnerabilities continue to grab headlines. Whether it is a zero-day that affects “tens of millions” servers around the globe or an old unpatched flaw that leads to a data …

Google wants to revamp public Wi-Fi networks, but what about security?
William Shakespeare once wrote, “the eyes are the windows to your soul,” but if you ask savvy retailers, they might say it’s guest Wi-Fi. Why? New Wi-Fi systems allow them to …

No more guilt about your lack of innovation in administrative IT
Helpdesks are mired in mundane tasks that are repeated every day – password resets, user account access and account creations, just to name a few. Manual tasks that really …

Why attaching security to each piece of data is critical
Following in Edward Snowden’s footsteps, yet another NSA contractor has leaked highly classified trade secrets and government information. My question to you: Are we really …

How much is your privacy worth?
How much is your privacy worth? Take for example your bank account number, sort code, name, and address. Is it worth more than £25? Well I think that it is and as a result I …

Vendor Security Alliance questionnaire: Starting a security discussion with vendors
The interconnection between major organizations and their many service providers is providing a successful, and often ignored, path through which attackers are penetrating …