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What does a Trump presidency mean for cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity played a major role in this year’s election cycle. For the first time in American history, data breaches, email servers and encryption directly influenced who …

Users lock
Network security: A team sport for SMBs

The increased volume and frequency of cyberattacks has made information security an everyday issue of great importance, regardless of your geographical location, industry, …

Six key principles for efficient cyber investigations

Many organizations today are not equipped to defend against traditional cyberattacks, as demonstrated by the ever-increasing numbers of successful breaches reported daily – …

How security collaboration will prove vital in 2017

The escalation of high-profile hacking and data dumps recently has underscored the increasing boldness of digital threat actors, culminating in July’s Democratic National …

The new age of quantum computing

Quantum encryption is the holy grail of truly secure communications. If and when quantum computing becomes a widespread reality, many public-key algorithms will become …

Weave a web of deception to secure data

Today’s technically superior and incredibly well-funded (often state-funded, in fact) hackers are not impressed with breach prevention and traditional security solutions. …

How hackers will exploit the Internet of Things in 2017

The Internet of Things (IoT) is now a major force in the weaponization of DDoS. In 2016, IoT botnets have fueled a number of attacks, including the largest-ever DDoS attack, …

Traveling on business? Beware of targeted spying on mobile

Corporate spying is a real threat in the world of cyber war. Employees traveling on behalf of their company could create opportunities for sophisticated adversaries to take …

How to prepare your company for cybersecurity threats

When the FBI announced the arrest of a Russian hacker in October, it was notable – but maybe not for the reason you’d expect. Yevgeniy N., who was picked up in Prague, is …

Tesco Bank
Tesco Bank hack shows that attackers continue to follow easy money

What happens when nearly 9,000 accounts at a financial institution experience fraudulent activity and clients have nearly £2.5 million stolen? People notice. The bank notices …

Navigating a way through the cloud

Private cloud is a compelling proposition for many businesses. With the help of server virtualisation, you can take your own infrastructure; make it ‘cloud-like’ and because …

Apocalypse now: The IoT DDoS threat

One of the things you learn about humanity, if you’re paying attention, is that “gold rushes” bring out the worse in us. When there are no constraints and there is a greed …

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Cybersecurity news