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Results of the rogue Access Point experiment at RSA Conference 2017

The security of open Wi-Fi hotspots has been a subject of great concern for years. But, would you believe that we were overwhelmingly successful using Wi-Fi attacks dating …

Cloud-based databases need new approaches to ensure data security

Interest and adoption of cloud-based databases is ramping up as more companies see the value of moving from traditional on-premise IT infrastructures to off-premise cloud …

Insider threat vs. inside threat: Redefining the term

The traditional meaning of “insider threat” is: a current employee or contractor who, intentionally or accidentally, misuses his or her authorized access to a secure network …

Business ideas
The time to fortify your organization against CNP fraud is now

When it comes to EMV (Europay, MasterCard and Visa) security chip adoption, the United States is the clear laggard. According to EMVCo, only 7.2% of “card present” …

Metadata: The secret data trail

Every phone call, text message, even activated cell phones, leaves a trail of data across a network. In many cases this data is aggregated with other data and metadata …

Security skills gap? What security skills gap?

After the year we’ve had, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that cybersecurity skills are heavily in demand. Breaches, attacks and incidents have never been far from the …

Five ways to prevent data leaks

The story still strikes fear into the hearts of IT departments: As many as 70 million credit- and debit card accounts were compromised in less than a month during the Target …

Six critical customer support differentiators in cybersecurity

Regardless of size or sector, excellent customer support is a major differentiator within any organization. In the cybersecurity industry, however, tech support is more than a …

The anti social network

Let’s be honest. Our online world is judged on how others view us, or as the psychologist Caldini would put it social validation. Want to buy a product? Well how many people …

Will February’s Patch Tuesday fix a known zero-day?

Coming into Patch Tuesday we have a known zero day on the Microsoft side, and we’ve seen example code for an SMB exploit that could lead to DoS and BYOD of a system. US …

It’s time to rethink using remote access VPNs for third-party access

No longer safely operating behind the traditional corporate perimeter, business productivity today depends on integrating external members of the extended enterprise into the …

car swerving hacking
Don’t take your hands off the wheel

Let me tell you a story. It’s a story about my brother-in-law, whom, for the sake of decency, we’ll call Steve. Steve has a new car. He loves that new car. It’s great. Does …

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