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3 sour notes interrupting security operations harmony

Great musicians and instruments alone do not make beautiful music. It is the conductor who leads the orchestra and turns the collection of sounds into perfectly executed …

Endpoint security is only one piece of the puzzle

Like many of you, I attended RSAC in February. Wading through the crowd of more than 43,000 people, I was interested to see how many new and improved endpoint security …

Cyber insurance: What and why?

High-profile cyber-attacks are fast becoming the norm in modern society, with 2016 being arguably the worst year for major security breaches. National Crime Agency statistics …

IoT and the resurgence of PKIs

With the digital revolution in full swing, security methods and models need to be re-evaluated to better address both the changing nature of enterprise architectures and …

Data breaches: Playing by a new set of rules?

Tell me, what’s your response when you hear that a company that was breached are now losing customers? I suppose it’s at this point the word reasonable makes an appearance. …

Will the IoT force truck stops?

“Not with a bang, but with a whimper,” that was how T.S. Eliot described how the world would end, in his 1925 poem “The Hollow Men.” Things don’t always end in …

By the end of March no one will remember that Microsoft missed a Patch Tuesday

Like the weather in Minnesota, the March Patch Forecast is unpredictable at best. Be prepared for turbulent times interspersed with moments of calm. Will March Patch Tuesday …

How to patch your security blind spots

One of the most challenging – and interesting, and frustrating – aspects of cybersecurity is the sheer unpredictability of industry developments still to come. Sure, analyzing …

The security threat of quantum computing is real, and it’s coming fast

The threat quantum computers pose on encryption is weighing on the minds of some of the world’s most technologically advanced nations: In 2016 alone, the EU announced a $1.13B …

The HTTPS interception dilemma: Pros and cons

HTTPS is the bread-and-butter of online security. Strong cryptography that works on all devices without complicating things for users. Thanks to innovative projects like …

The six stages of a cyber attack lifecycle

The traditional approach to cybersecurity has been to use a prevention-centric strategy focused on blocking attacks. While important, many of today’s advanced and motivated …

Addressing pain points in governance, risk and compliance

In this day and age, it seems as though every business has some form of alphabet soup or acronym salad that shapes the decisions they make as it pertains to their information …

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