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How to create an effective application security budget

Inadequately secured software ranks amongst the most significant root cause issues in cybersecurity. The frequency and severity of attacks on the application layer is greater …

Security’s blind spot: The long-term state of exception

It seems every major hack is accompanied by the pointing of fingers. And there are plenty of places to point them: the servers that weren’t patched, the retailer who hadn’t …

TLS security: Past, present and future

The Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol as it stands today has evolved from the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol from Netscape Communications and the Private …

The path to protecting health data: 10 steps to get started

The information in your medical records can be more valuable than your credit card numbers to a cybercriminal. Experts estimate healthcare data is 50 times more valuable to …

The next frontier of cyber governance: Achieving resilience in the wake of NotPetya

Earlier this week, several European nations experienced a widespread ransomware attack. Major international giants, such as Merck, WPP, Rosneft, and AP Moller-Maersk, …

What makes a good security analyst: The character traits you need

Of all the skillsets IT decision-makers are looking to hire for, cybersecurity is easily the most challenging. According to Global Knowledge’s 10th annual IT Skills and Salary …

Making enterprise content management secure and scalable

Content is one of the most valuable commodities that any business owns. It’s the key driver of customer interactions, the foundation of core business processes, and it helps …

With ransomware, pay up if you want to keep paying

A hospital CEO is contacted in the middle of the night with a dire warning. Hackers have taken control of computer systems used for patient care, CT scans, and lab work. The …

Fostering a safe place for businesses to work in

It’s no secret that in the past few years, business leaders have begun to realise the potential of digital transformation to give their organisation a competitive edge. …

Security startup confessions: Attending industry events

My name is Kai Roer and I am a co-founder of European security startup CLTRe, and these are my confessions. I hope you will learn from my struggles, and appreciate the choices …

Evaluating artificial intelligence and machine learning-based systems for cyber security

All indicators suggest that 2017 is shaping up to be the year of artificial intelligence and machine learning technology for cyber security. As with most trends in our …

DLP APIs: The next frontier for Data Loss Prevention

According to the Breach Level Index, there have been 7,094,922,061 data records lost or stolen since 2013 with 4,417,760 records lost or stolen every day, 184,073 records …

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