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Intrusion detection is speeding up: Is it enough to tackle global cyber threats?

As criminals continue to develop new methods to break or sidestep cyber defences, in many cases the focus is shifting towards the ability to detect and respond to an incident …

Shark or not? 3 real-life security scenarios and how to tell which will really bite

We’ve just wrapped one of my favorite weeks of television, Shark Week. Viewers were treated to show after show of sharks stalking and attacking helpless victims. In most …

Red Hat containers
Container security: The seven biggest mistakes companies are making

As enterprises increase adoption of containers, they also risk increasing the number of mistakes they make with the technology. Given that many companies are still wrapping …

The future of AppSec: Stop fighting the last war

It’s a cornerstone of military doctrine: when you focus too much on the last battle you faced, you miss signs of the new battleground taking shape. The principle holds as true …

Is cyber insurance worth the paper it’s written on?

Weighing up whether you think insurance is worth it, in any situation, depends to some extent on personal experience. You can see the value of protection far more clearly if …

Decrypting DEF CON badge challenges

Every summer, tens of thousands of hackers and information security enthusiasts make a journey to the Last Vegas strip for the Black Hat and DEF CON security conferences. …

Launch your own cybersecurity sprint: 30 days to improved security

Whether it’s well-publicized cyber attacks on government organizations or widespread ransomware that threatens to halt business operations, attackers continue to target …

Could e-discovery pros fill the insatiable demand for cybersecurity talent?

When looking at the cybersecurity industry from a jobs perspective, there is no denying demand for talent far exceeds supply. With many lingering vacant job requisitions, who …

Don’t let cybercrime hold your innovation to ransom

When things break, our natural instinct is to look for someone to blame. Why? Because nothing happens by accident. It’s either done on purpose, a casualty of neglect or lack …

What will it take to improve the ICS patch process?

While regular patching is indisputably good advice for IT networks, one of the main takeaways from the Petya and WannaCry attacks is that a lot of companies don’t do it. And …

Getting the most out of your SIEM investment

Over the last 10-15 years, many organizations built Security Operations Centers (SOCs) on the backbone of security information and event management (SIEM) solutions. These …

Five crucial ways to help keep a system safe from harm

We’re living in an incredible age of technology, invention and innovation. It’s hard to imagine that just a short time ago we couldn’t order groceries for delivery from …

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