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When AI and security automation become foolish and dangerous

There is a looming fear across all industries that jobs are at risk to artificial intelligence (AI), which can perform those same jobs better and faster than humans. A recent …

SIEM challenges: Why your security team isn’t receiving valuable insights

Today, many enterprises use security information and event management (SIEM) software to help detect suspicious activity on their networks. However, to be effective …

Integrating GDPR into your day to day IT practices

GDPR, four letters that when combined strike fear into the heart of any sysadmin. Luckily, there is quite some time before it comes into force, which means getting into the …

Living in an Assume Breach world

Some security professionals claim their networks are secure from hacking. They may say this to justify a recent large purchase of security equipment. But many times, they say …

What’s needed for the first NYS DFS cybersecurity transitional phase?

The first transitional phase of the New York State’s Department of Financial Services (NYS DFS) cybersecurity regulation is upon us. As of August 28th, 2017 covered entities …

Gaming the system for a better experience

I play a lot of video games and one of the things I’ve noticed is that when you first start playing, the game often keeps you from venturing into places where you’re likely to …

Three barriers to digital IDs on the blockchain

There has been a lot of hype around blockchain technology and the benefits it could potentially bring to a wide variety of verticals, including identity verification. While …

Motivation roulette: Is pseudo-ransomware a term?

It used to be so simple. Attack campaigns were relatively simple to determine, for example when we detailed the recent Shamoon campaign it was clear that this was intended to …

We can’t rely on black swans: Three areas to improve cyber policy now

What will it take for cybersecurity policy to finally catch up to the digital age? I get this question often, and increasingly I worry that it will take a true “black swan” …

Where does corporate cloud security responsibility begin and service provider responsibility end?

Security has, is and will continue to be the cornerstone of advancement in the digital age. Conditions of trust, real or expected, are essential for digital economies to grow …

Has healthcare misdiagnosed the cybersecurity problem?

Take a cursory look at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) wall of data breach shame and you might be scratching your head: Why does the healthcare sector …

Identity-in-depth and the evolution of defense

We’ve seen it over and over again: the parade of companies and government agencies announcing the impact of their latest breach. These players have something in common that …

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