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Keeping data swamps clean for ongoing GDPR compliance

The increased affordability and accessibility of data storage over recent years can be both a benefit and a challenge for businesses. While the ability to stockpile huge …

Why compliance is never enough

Organizations are well aware of the security risks inherent in our hyper-connected world. However, many are making the mistake of focusing their attention on being compliant …

Take cybersecurity into your own hands: Don’t rely on tech giants

Google doesn’t want you to have to think about cybersecurity at all, similar to how we think about breathing, which sounds like a great idea. However, in all of my years in …

Cybersecurity 2019: Predictions you can’t ignore

As we move forward to 2019, expect credit card and payment information theft to continue to rise. Yes, this isn’t a major surprise; however, if organizations can better …

Why you shouldn’t be worried about UPnP port masking

Last May, security firm Imperva wrote a blog post discussing a new proof of concept for bypassing DDoS mitigation after discovering reflected network protocols appearing on …

ATM attackers strike again: Are you at risk?

The United States National ATM Council recently released information about a series of ATM attacks using rogue network devices. The criminals opened the upper half of the ATM …

GDPR’s impact: The first six months

GDPR is now six months old – it’s time to take an assessment of the regulation’s impact so far. At first blush it would appear very little has changed. There are no …

Are we chasing the wrong zero days?

Zero days became part of mainstream security after the world found out that Stuxnet malware was used to inflict physical damage on an Iranian nuclear facility. After the …

For recent big data software vulnerabilities, botnets and coin mining are just the beginning

The phrase “with great power comes great responsibility” was excellent advice when Ben Parker said it to his nephew Peter, aka Spiderman. It is even more …

Don’t accept risk with a pocket veto

We who live risk management know there are four responses when confronted with a credible risk to our organizations. We can treat the risk to reduce it. We can avoid the risk …

Conficker: A 10-year retrospective on a legendary worm

This November marked the 10-year anniversary of Conficker, a fast-spreading worm targeting Microsoft systems that went on to claim one of the highest levels of infection in …

The holiday season and cybercrime: 8 ways to protect yourself

The holiday season has become an unbridled online spending extravaganza, and threat actors have taken notice. For shoppers, what starts out as an attempt to fulfill their …

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