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An intelligence-driven approach to cyber threats

In the age of big data, it is easy to think that only machines can detect a signal amid the noise. While it’s true that big data tools can discover signals that might not be …

cloud complexity
Embrace chaos to improve cloud infrastructure resilience

Netflix is a champion of using chaos engineering to improve the resilience of its cloud infrastructure. That’s how it ensures its customers don’t have their Stranger Things …

Is your private equity firm exposed to these hidden IT risks?

Skydivers know that there is a risk their parachute won’t open. Police officers know their daily jobs come with the inherent risk of danger. And private equity firms know …

How likely are weaponized cars?

It is easy to become absorbed by the exaggerated Hollywood depictions of car hacking scenarios – to imagine a not-so-distant future when cars or their supporting …

Why zero trust is crucial to compliance

The enterprise faces a brand new world when it comes to data privacy and security. New regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California …

What mechanisms can help address today’s biggest cybersecurity challenges?

In this Help Net Security podcast, Syed Abdur Rahman, Director of Products with unified risk management provider Brinqa, talks about their risk centric knowledge-driven …

Structural integrity: Quantifying risk with security measurement

In my previous post, we set up the foundation for a risk quantification program. Many organizations have begun this part of their security strategy and are learning how to …

Handle personal data: What we forget is as important as what we remember

This spring, Facebook addressed the issue of permanence across its messaging platforms – from Instagram to Messenger to WhatsApp – with the aim to “set a new standard” for …

How to diminish the great threat of legacy apps

The Equifax breach underscored the risk posed by unpatched software applications. As a refresher, 146 million customer records were exposed after a known vulnerability in …

Is your perimeter inventory leaving you exposed? Why it’s time to switch from IP to DNS

Historically, security teams and tools have used IP addresses to define their targets and scopes. But in a world where applications and networks are increasingly cloud-hosted …

Five ways automating IAM saves you money

Identity is the foundation of security, so a robust automated identity and access management (IAM) system is by far the best way to keep your company’s information safe. It’s …

On the path to Zero Trust security: Time to get started

No need to belabour the point. We all know that trying to defend the network perimeter is a bit futile in today’s mobile and cloud first world. So, the obvious question …

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Cybersecurity news