Expert analysis

Make sure you keep an eye on your APIs
Application programming interfaces have always been important gateways to our applications, but in recent years, they’ve silently become both more prevalent and more central …

Moving away from spreadsheets: How to automate your third-party risk management process
Spreadsheets are dumb. Okay, it’s not that spreadsheets are dumb, or that the people who use them are dumb. That’s not at all what I’m saying. What’s dumb is using …

Kubernetes security matures: Inside the project’s first audit
Auditing 1.5 million lines of code is a heroic undertaking. With resources provided by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), the Kubernetes Project leadership created …

August 2019 Patch Tuesday forecast: Expect updates from Adobe, stay current on other updates
Microsoft released details on August 6 regarding another variant of the Spectre Variant 1 speculative execution side channel vulnerability (CVE-2019-1125). The vulnerability …

Prevent lateral attacks inside the data center with a defense-in-depth hardware layer
IT departments tend to be concerned primarily with cybersecurity attacks that originate from outside the enterprise, known as a “north-south” attacks. This often leaves them …

Security orchestration and automation checklist: How to choose the right vendor
Faced up against the well-chronicled global skills shortage, the ceaseless bombardment of security alerts and the hodgepodge of security tools unable to communicate with each …

DNS security is no longer optional
Several high-profile DNS security incidents have made headlines recently, a reminder that this integral part of the internet must not be taken for granted. Unlike enterprise …

Five examples of user-centered bank fraud
In today’s digital-first world, banks and financial service companies need to allow their customers to easily manage money online in order to compete. Unfortunately, most …

Research shows that devices banned by US government lack basic security practices
As the August 13 deadline looms for the US ban on Chinese surveillance cameras, the news cycle is re-engaged with the issue. The panic about banned cameras still being in …

Passion, ingenuity and hard work: The cybersecurity startup story of Israel
According to Start-Up Nation Central (SNC), there are currently 400 cybersecurity start-ups operating in Israel. In 2018, they raised over $1.2 billion in 96 rounds of …

Microsoft is right, mandatory password changes are obsolete
Microsoft has recently come out and said that mandatory password changing is ancient and obsolete. This goes directly against everything we were trained to think for the last …

Orchestrating security policies across your hybrid cloud with intelligent data virtualization
The proliferation of data is causing a security and governance challenge across the hybrid cloud. Estimates project the global datasphere will grow from 33 zettabytes in 2018 …