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Hands-on threat simulations: Empower cybersecurity teams to confidently combat threats

Security processes are increasingly automated which has led some businesses to deprioritize developing their security teams’ defense skills. While antivirus and non-human …

Why more security doesn’t mean more effective compliance

Financial institutions have always been a valuable target for cyberattacks. That’s partly why banking and financial institutions are heavily regulated and have more compliance …

How to set up and speed up Amazon S3 Replication for cross-region data replication

Amazon S3 is a simple cloud storage solution enabling effortless storage and retrieval of large amounts of data from different geographies. It’s engineered for scalability, …

What AppSec and developers working in cloud-native environments need to know

All enterprise organizations are, in essence, software publishers, regardless of their industry. This is because every enterprise relies on custom software applications for …

Balancing budget and system security: Approaches to risk tolerance

Data breaches are a dime a dozen. Although it’s easy to look at that statement negatively, the positive viewpoint is that, as a result, cybersecurity professionals have plenty …

Modernizing fraud prevention with machine learning

The number of digital transactions has skyrocketed. As consumers continue to spend and interact online, they have growing expectations for security and identity verification. …

Great security training is a real challenge

All employees need security training, yet it’s generally a resented afterthought. A variety of studies over years show that human error is generally felt to be the largest …

Serial cybersecurity founders get back in the game

“I didn’t really have a choice,” says Ben Bernstein, the former CEO and co-founder of Twistlock (acquired by Palo Alto Networks in 2019) and the CEO and co-founder of a new …

Patch Tuesday
September 2023 Patch Tuesday forecast: Important Federal government news

Microsoft addressed 33 CVEs in Windows 10 and 11 last month after nearly 3x that number in July. But despite the lull in CVEs, they did provide new security updates for …

artificial intelligence
3 ways to strike the right balance with generative AI

To find the sweet spot where innovation doesn’t mean sacrificing your security posture, organizations should consider the following three best practices when leveraging AI. …

Emerging threat: AI-powered social engineering

Social engineering is a sophisticated form of manipulation but, thanks to AI advancements, malicious groups have gained access to highly sophisticated tools, suggesting that …

connected car
Connected cars and cybercrime: A primer

Original equipment suppliers (OEMs) and their suppliers who are weighing how to invest their budgets might be inclined to slow pedal investment in addressing cyberthreats. To …

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