Expert analysis

Rise of RDP as a target vector
Recent reports of targeted attacks using RDP as an initial entry vector have certainly caused significant headlines in lieu of the impact they have caused. In the midst of …

Could audio warnings augment your ability to fight off cyber attacks?
The security of your environment shouldn’t depend on whether you’re looking in the right place at the right time. While active visual means such as dashboards, emails, …

Passwordless authentication is here now, and it is vastly superior to using a password
Mirko Zorz, Help Net Security’s Editor in Chief, recently published an article about the state of passwordless authentication that predicted a long journey before this …

How data breaches forced Amazon to update S3 bucket security
Amazon launched its Simple Storage Service (better known as S3) back in 2006 as a platform for storing just about any type of data under the sun. Since then, S3 buckets have …

How SMBs can bring their security testing on par with larger enterprises
What are the challenges of securing small and medium-sized enterprises vs. larger ones? And how can automated, continuous security testing help shrink the gap? When studying …

SLAs: What your cybersecurity vendor isn’t telling you
Service Level Agreements (SLAs) have been used in the IT world for many years as a contractual mechanism for holding service providers accountable and extracting defined …

Five ways to manage authorization in the cloud
The public cloud is being rapidly incorporated by organizations, allowing them to store larger amounts of data and applications with higher uptime and reduced costs, while at …

How to navigate critical data security and privacy policy challenges
By 2020, there will be 40x more bytes of data than there are stars in the universe as we know it. And with data growth comes more security and privacy obstacles for …

Regulations are driving innovation toward an identity layer on the Internet
The security community often points to the inherent lack of an encryption layer on the Internet as a factor behind many of the related threat vectors. The decentralized nature …

Shine a light on shadow IT to improve organizational resilience
Shadow IT is one of the biggest challenges facing organizations today. According to Gartner, by 2020, a third of all cybersecurity attacks experienced by enterprises will be …

September 2019 Patch Tuesday forecast: Microsoft security update will be complete
Microsoft began an aggressive six-month campaign in March of this year to switch the digital signature on all operating system and product updates from using Secure Hash …

Supply chain security: Five IT strategies for choosing vendors wisely
With the proliferation of SaaS solutions, API integrations and cloud computing, virtually everything in the modern enterprise is connected to untold number of outside …