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Client-side web security

To address attacks such as XSS, Magecart and other card skimming exploits found in modern eCommerce environments, the use of client-side web security methods is beginning to …

COVID-19 affects web traffic and attack trends

There have been significant changes in web attack and traffic trends as a result of COVID-19, according to Imperva. The monthly report also revealed that the Cyber Threat …

A client-side perspective on web security

Threats to web security are explained in this first of a three-part article series, and client-side security is shown to address a commonly missed class of cyber attack …

WordPress and Apache Struts weaponized vulnerabilities on the rise

Vulnerabilities in leading web and application frameworks, if exploited, can have devastating effects like the Equifax breach which affected 147 million people, according to …

Most credential abuse attacks against the financial sector targeted APIs

From May 2019 and continuing on until the end of the year, there was a dramatic shift by criminals who started targeting APIs, in an effort to bypass security controls. …

Researchers uncover 125 vulnerabilities across 13 routers and NAS devices

In a cybersecurity study of network attached storage (NAS) systems and routers, Independent Security Evaluators (ISE) found 125 vulnerabilities in 13 IoT devices, reaffirming …

Securing modern web apps: A case for framework-aware SAST

If you were to write a web application entirely by yourself, it would be a rather daunting task. You would need to write the UI elements from lower-level APIs, set up and …

online shop owned
Protecting applications from malicious scripts

In 2018, malicious client-side scripts are still posing a problem for large organizations. This year, British Airways revealed that they suffered a data breach in which …

Data from 316 million real-world attacks in AWS and Azure environments

In evaluating 316 million incidents, tCell found it clear that attacks against the application are growing in volume and sophistication, and as such, continue to be a major …

Same web-based vulnerabilities still prevalent after nine years

Analysis of vulnerabilities discovered by NCC Group researchers over the last nine years found that instances of common web-based vulnerabilities have largely refused to fall …

Script-based attacks and overall malware on the rise

Research revealed massive increases in scripting attacks and overall malware attempts against midsize companies throughout Q3 2017. In fact, WatchGuard Technologies found that …

PoC for several Magento vulnerabilities released, update now!

DefenseCode has published proof of concept code for two CSRF and stored XSS vulnerabilities affecting a number of versions of the popular e-commerce platform Magento. Magento …

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Cybersecurity news