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Emotet can spread to poorly secured Wi-Fi networks and computers on them

Here’s yet another reason to secure Wi-Fi networks and Windows user accounts with a strong enough password: researchers have spotted and analyzed a malware program that …

Enterprise WLAN market revenue declines year over year

The combined enterprise and consumer wireless local area network (WLAN) market segments fell 3.6% year over year in the third quarter of 2019 (3Q19) with worldwide revenues of …

5G IoT security: Opportunity comes with risks

Slowly but surely, 5G digital cellular networks are being set up around the world. It will take years for widespread coverage and use to be achieved, so what better time than …

Should free internet access be considered as a human right?

Free internet access must be considered as a human right, as people unable to get online – particularly in developing countries – lack meaningful ways to influence …

IT teams are embracing intent-based networking, investing in AI technologies

The network is vital to today’s digital business. Whether maximizing employee productivity, optimizing customer experience or keeping data protected and secure, the network is …

Most decision makers expect AI and 5G to impact their cybersecurity strategy

An overwhelming majority of cybersecurity and risk management leaders believe that developments in 5G wireless technology will create cybersecurity challenges for their …

New protocol extends Wi-Fi range, can be used with existing hardware

A protocol that significantly extends the distance a Wi-Fi-enabled device can send and receive signals has been created by a group of researchers led by a Brigham Young …

Could lighting your home open up your personal information to hackers?

Earlier this year Amazon’s Echo made global headlines when it was reported that consumers’ conversations were recorded and heard by thousands of employees. Now …

Cisco wireless
Cisco fixes serious flaws in enterprise-grade Catalyst and Aironet access points

Cisco has released another batch of security updates, the most critical of which fixes a vulnerability that could allow unauthenticated, remote attackers to gain access to …

The global impact of 5G technologies

A white paper produced by Rysavy Research and 5G Americas technical experts explores the intensifying role of wireless communications, the evolution of its technology, …

Researchers develop cheaper, more efficient Internet connectivity for IoT devices

A cheaper and more efficient method for IoT devices to receive high-speed wireless connectivity has been developed by researchers at the University of Waterloo. With 75 …

Critical Bluetooth flaw opens millions of devices to eavesdropping attacks

A newly disclosed vulnerability (CVE-2019-9506) in the Bluetooth Core Specification can be exploited by attackers to intercept and manipulate Bluetooth communications/traffic …

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