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Deep Freeze 7.5 released

Faronics released Deep Freeze 7.5, which provides full workstation protection by “freezing’ the computer’s configuration and preventing accidental or …

Introducing Windows Server 2012

Windows Server 2012, currently available as a Release Candidate, brings forward hundreds of new features and enhancements including cloud computing, networking, storage, …

Microsoft releases nine security bulletins

The Microsoft Security Bulletin Summary for July 2012 contains nine security bulletins addressing 16 CVEs. Three of the bulletins are rated critical and the other six are …

Microsoft to release nine bulletins

The Microsoft Security Bulletin Advance Notification for July 2012 contains nine bulletins, with three listed as “critical” and six listed as …

Understanding IPv6, 3rd Edition

Get in-depth technical information to put IPv6 technology to work—including networks with hardware running Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012. Written by a networking expert, …

Mastering Windows Network Forensics and Investigation

Internet crime is seemingly ever on the rise, making the need for a comprehensive resource on how to investigate these crimes even more dire. This professional-level book …

Windows 8 marks the beginning of the WinRT era

Windows 8 marks the beginning of the new WinRT (Windows Runtime) computing era and the beginning of the end of the WinNT era, according to Gartner. The combination of the …

Splunk App for Active Directory released

Splunk announced the Splunk App for Active Directory which helps enable organizations to avoid service outages and provides proactive management and compliance reporting of …

Windows 8 will be harder to exploit

A lot of things have already been revealed about the security features of the upcoming Windows 8: there will be a picture password sign in option; a built-in antivirus …

Windows Forensic Analysis Toolkit, Third Edition

As a considerable number of PC users has switched to Windows 7, Harlan Carvey has updated its popular Windows Forensic Analysis Toolkit book to cover the systems running it. …

Microsoft fixes 28 security bugs

The Microsoft Security Bulletin Summary for June 2012 contains 7 bulletins addressing 28 security bugs. Three of the bulletins are rated “critical” and the rest …

Mobile workspace offers a secure Windows OS on any computer

Imation announced Stealth Zone 2.1 boot-from-USB secure mobile workspace. This new version enhances data security by making it easier and more convenient for business …

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