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Windows 10 will not come with built-in keylogging capabilities

In case you missed it, a big fuss has been raised about the keylogging and other “spying” capabilities of the recently released Technical Preview version of …

Sneak attack through smartphone shared memory

A weakness believed to exist in Android, Windows and iOS operating systems could be used to obtain personal information from unsuspecting users, research at the University of …

Beware of fake “Gmail suspicious login” warnings

Malicious emails impersonating Gmail Account Services have been spotted hitting inboxes around the world, falsely claiming that the users’ Gmail account has been logged …

Microsoft fixes 37 vulnerabilities

Microsoft clearly wants everyone to shake off the dog days of summer and pay attention to patching. This month’s advance notice contains nine advisories spanning a range …

DPAPI vulnerability allows intruders to decrypt personal data

Passcape Software has discovered a DPAPI vulnerability that could potentially lead to unauthorized decryption of personal data and passwords of interactive domain users. The …

Microsoft to address six issues on Tuesday

Microsoft has dropped their July 2014 advance security notification and it looks like a relatively light month of patching. Six issues in total, 2 Critical, 3 Important, 1 …

SMBs still use Windows XP and face security risks

Almost one in five small and medium businesses worldwide are currently exposed to major security risks as they are still using Windows XP after Microsoft ended support for the …

A new defense against kernel-mode exploits

Over the past many years, there’ve been a plethora of security solutions available for Windows-based endpoints, but most of them are helpless against malicious code …

Microsoft delivers seven advisories

Patch Tuesday, June 2014 delivers seven advisories, of them, two critical, five important – one of which is the seldom seen “tampering” type. The remarkable …

Microsoft releases eight security updates

There is a lot going on in the updates from Microsoft this month, including some very interesting and long time coming changes. Also, it’s the highest volume of …

Microsoft to release eight bulletins on Tuesday

Tuesday, May 13 marks the next Microsoft security patch release. This release will contain eight bulletins, which is the most in a single release so far this year. The good …

Windows flaw allows access to data after accounts are revoked

A disabled account in Windows’ network does not take effect immediately, according to Aorato. In fact, due to design considerations disabled accounts – and the …

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