Researcher releases PoC for Windows VCF file RCE vulnerability
A vulnerability that exists in the way Windows processes VCard files (.vcf) can be exploited by remote attackers to achieve execute arbitrary code on vulnerable systems, …

43% of businesses are still running Windows 7, security threats remain
With one year to go until Microsoft ends support for its ten-year-old operating system Windows 7, as many as 43% of enterprises are still running the outdated platform. …

January 2019 Patch Tuesday: 49 security patches, 7 critical
Microsoft’s first Patch Tuesday of 2019 includes 49 security patches, seven of which are listed as Critical. Of all the plugged security holes, none are reported as …

December Patch Tuesday forecast: Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow
Grab your shovels, dust off the snow blower, and bundle up. The way patches are accumulating this month is making me think of winter in Minnesota. I’m talking about the kind …

Conficker: A 10-year retrospective on a legendary worm
This November marked the 10-year anniversary of Conficker, a fast-spreading worm targeting Microsoft systems that went on to claim one of the highest levels of infection in …

Netflix releases desktop versions of device security app Stethoscope
In early 2017, the Netflix team open sourced Stethoscope, an application that collects information about users’ devices and provides them with recommendations for securing …

Businesses unprepared for Windows 10 migration, fear vulnerability to cyber threats
A new WinMagic study has found that organisations are largely unprepared for when support of older versions of Microsoft’s Windows OS will be withdrawn in January 2020. When …

The risk to OT networks is real, and it’s dangerous for business leaders to ignore
Data from the new CyberX CyberX Global ICS & IIoT Risk Report shows major security gaps remain in key areas such as plain-text passwords, direct connections to the …

IT and security professionals unprepared for Windows 7 end of life
An Avecto survey of over 500 individuals from Europe, the United Arab Emirates and the United States revealed that, while some organisations have already migrated to Windows …

PoC exploit for Windows Shell RCE released
Here’s one more reason to hurry with the implementation of the latest Microsoft patches: a PoC exploit for a remote code execution vulnerability that can be exploited …

Heading into October Patch Tuesday on the heels of big announcements from Microsoft
October is here and Patch Tuesday is next week, followed quickly by Halloween. Don’t be scared (unless you are a Facebook user)! The winds of change are blowing this fall …

Most enterprises now running Windows 10, security hygiene no longer optional
Security is galvanizing around the move to Windows 10, the operating system that the majority of companies now run in their organizations, according to the 2018 Enterprise …