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web application security

Scientists develop tool for improving app security

A team led by Harvard computer scientists, including two undergraduate students, has developed a new tool that could lead to increased security and enhanced performance for …

Sharp rise in SQL injections

FireHost revealed the latest statistical analysis of attacks successfully blocked by its servers. During the period of April to June 2012, web applications, databases and …

Streamline security, compliance and risk management

Through the introduction of DbProtect Active Analytics, AppSecInc narrows the communications gap between DBAs, IT security professionals and their business operations …

SaaS web application security scanning from NT OBJECTives

NT OBJECTives announced NTOSpider On-Demand, a cloud-based service enables organizations to scan thousands of applications while controlling scanning costs and optimizing …

Securing apps and avoiding an explosive breach

Recent research from Veracode shows that 84 percent of web applications from American public companies are at risk of being hacked, despite more stringent compliance …

RIPS: Free PHP security scanner

RIPS finds vulnerabilities in PHP applications using static code analysis. By tokenizing and parsing all source code files RIPS is able to transform PHP source code into a …

Radical reduction in online vulnerabilities

WhiteHat Security reviewed serious vulnerabilities in websites during 2011, examining the severity and duration of the most critical vulnerabilities from 7,000 websites across …

Video: Attacking XML preprocessing

Documenting more than a year of research in XML technologies, this talk by Nicolas Grégoire at Hack in The Box 2012 Amsterdam details security implications of the XML format …

Control and measure web application scans

NT OBJECTives announced NTOEnterprise 2.0 which enables organizations to plan, manage, control and measure web application scans and also assess and prioritize areas of …

Vulnerabilities in open source WAF ModSecurity

During our research of web application firewall evasion issues, we uncovered a flaw in ModSecurity that may lead to complete bypass of the installed rules, in the cases when …

Static analysis technology for web application security

Coverity has extended static analysis to deeply understand both source code and modern web application architecture, providing greater accuracy and remediation guidance to …

Create secure web applications with Sentinel Source

WhiteHat Security announced Sentinel Source, a solution for creating secure online applications from inception to launch. With the ability to track source code development for …

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