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web application security

Python for web application security professionals

Python is an open source, interactive, object oriented programming language. It’s very easy to learn and an extremely powerful high level language. It runs on Windows, …

WordPress security threats, protection tips and tricks

Robert Abela is a WordPress Security Professional and founder of WP White Security. In this interview he talks about the main WordPress security risks, offers tips for website …

Dangerous vBulletin exploit in the wild

vBulletin is a popular proprietary CMS that was recently reported to be vulnerable to an unspecified attack vector. vBulletin is currently positioned 4th in the list of …

The impact of false positives on web application security scanners

Ferruh Mavituna is the CEO at Mavituna Security and the Product Architect of Netsparker. In this interview he discusses what impact false positives have on web application …

CORE Impact Pro 2013 R2 gets enhanced web services capabilities

CORE Security released CORE Impact Pro 2013 R2, that allows organizations to proactively test IT infrastructure and identify exactly where and how an organization’s …

Java finally gets a whitelisting feature

The latest Java Development Kit update (JDK 7u40) includes a number of bug fixes, new security features and changes, and among them is one that has been long overdue: a …

(IN)SECURE Magazine issue 39 released

(IN)SECURE Magazine is a free digital security publication discussing some of the hottest information security topics. Issue 39 has been released today. Table of contents: …

Exploring attacks against PHP applications

Imperva released its September Hacker Intelligence Initiative report which presents an in-depth view of recent attacks against PHP applications, including attacks that involve …

Sharp increase in blended, automated attacks

FireHost announced its latest web application attack statistics, which track the prevalence of four distinct types of cyberattacks that pose the most serious threat to …

NTODefend now more effectively blocks application vulnerabilities

NT OBJECTives announced that its NTODefend solution now blocks application vulnerabilities by approximately 30% more than the previous version. As a result, NTODefend’s …

U.S. the number one source of web attacks

Retailers suffer twice as many SQL injection attacks as other industries, according to Imperva. Additionally, these attacks were more intense, both in terms of number of …

Apple developer center hacked by security researcher?

The mystery of why Apple’s Developer Center has been inaccessible for users since last Thursday has apparently been solved, as UK-based security researcher Ibrahim Balic …

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