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Cybercriminals increasingly focusing on credential theft

Criminal tactics used to access user credentials are growing in prevelance, and that a record 47 percent of all malware is new or zero day, and thus able to evade …

Confusion and lack of preparation in the face of looming GDPR deadline

With the GDPR deadline set for 25 May next year, many organisations are ill-prepared due to uncertainty about the criteria for compliance. 37 percent of respondents to a …

virtual reality
Hacking virtual and augmented reality: Short-term FUD, long-term danger

I believe virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are on the cusp of mass success, and will dramatically change the way we use technology. However, with new technology …

New infosec products of the week​: September 1, 2017

Palo Alto Networks announces Next-Generation Security Platform for VMware Cloud on AWS Palo Alto Networks announced its Next-Generation Security Platform is available to …

New infosec products of the week​: August 18, 2017

New Firebox M Series appliances help SMBs keep up with encrypted traffic WatchGuard Technologies announced hardware upgrades to its Firebox M Series to handle the …

Decrypting DEF CON badge challenges

Every summer, tens of thousands of hackers and information security enthusiasts make a journey to the Last Vegas strip for the Black Hat and DEF CON security conferences. …

Cybersecurity battleground shifting to Linux and web servers

Despite an overall drop in general malware detection for the quarter, Linux malware made up more than 36 percent of the top threats identified in Q1 2017. This attack pattern …

Where does the cyber security buck stop?

Late last year, Bruce Schneier testified before the U.S. House Energy and Commerce committee asking them to consider imposing security regulations on the Internet of Things …

Battling cyber security’s human condition

There is no silver bullet when it comes to cyber security. Organizations with multi-million dollar IT budgets still make headlines for being successfully breached, and even …

New infosec products of the week​: April 28, 2017

Cyberbit EDR uses adaptive behavioral analysis to detect fileless, signature-less attacks Cyberbit announced a new version of its adaptive Endpoint Detection and Response …

Endpoint security is only one piece of the puzzle

Like many of you, I attended RSAC in February. Wading through the crowd of more than 43,000 people, I was interested to see how many new and improved endpoint security …

Results of the rogue Access Point experiment at RSA Conference 2017

The security of open Wi-Fi hotspots has been a subject of great concern for years. But, would you believe that we were overwhelmingly successful using Wi-Fi attacks dating …

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