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WatchGuard Technologies expands SD-WAN capabilities to its security platform

WatchGuard Technologies released version 12.3 of its Fireware operating system for its Firebox Unified Security Platform appliances. Key to this update are added path …

Why you shouldn’t be worried about UPnP port masking

Last May, security firm Imperva wrote a blog post discussing a new proof of concept for bypassing DDoS mitigation after discovering reflected network protocols appearing on …

Vaporworms: New breed of self-propagating fileless malware to emerge in 2019

WatchGuard Technologies’ information security predictions for 2019 include the emergence of vaporworms, a new breed of fileless malware with wormlike properties to …

What mid-market security budgets will look like in 2019

As 2018 draws to a close, IT and security pros around the country will greet the arrival of budget season with a collective sigh. Negotiating for IT budgets at small or …

Password inadequacy remains a top threat

New research from the WatchGuard Threat Lab revealed that 50 percent of government and military employee LinkedIn passwords were weak enough to be cracked in less than two …

3d printing
The security issues 3D printing should solve before going mainstream

It’s always fun when you can mix your personal hobbies and interests with your profession, and often the passion you carry for the things you love can lead to valuable and …

WatchGuard launches AI-based antivirus to help defend against zero day malware

WatchGuard announced version 12.2 of its Fireware operating system for its Firebox Unified Security Platform appliances. Key to the update is IntelligentAV, a new antivirus …

WatchGuard’s cloud-enabled AuthPoint solution delivers multi-factor authentication to SMBs

WatchGuard unveiled AuthPoint – a cloud-based multi-factor authentication (MFA) solution designed for small and midsize businesses (SMBs). MFA has always been out of reach for …

How to allocate budget for a well-rounded cybersecurity portfolio

Getting the C-levels to approve an IT security budget is probably one of the most difficult and exasperating tasks that security professionals and IT managers have to do each …

Cryptocurrency miners poised for continued growth

WatchGuard threat intelligence from Q1 2018 revealed that 98.8 percent of seemingly common Linux/Downloader malware variants were actually designed to deliver a popular …

Are SMBs driving the adoption of security automation by enterprises?

If you tracked the lifecycle of new security technologies, you’d likely see that most start as enterprise solutions and eventually trickle down to small and medium-sized …

Wi-Fi honeypots: Alive and well at RSAC 2018

It was a gorgeous, sunny week in San Francisco as the best and brightest security experts around the globe gathered to attend one of the leading cybersecurity tradeshows in …

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